We were at the cinema. You heard me right. At the cinema. The king had taken me to a cinema to watch a movie. This was so unexpected of him. He let me choose the movie that I wanted, and he got me popcorns and everything else that I wanted and he got nothing for himself. We were now inside, we were sitting at the very back and deep in the corner. The cinema was quite empty which was a bit surprising since it was the weekend and it was usually full here during the weekends. Maybe I chose an unpopular movie? Maybe.
Me: "Why didn't you get anything for yourself?" I whispered to him. I don't know why I was whispering since it was just the both of us... "you don't like popcorns?" Nothing. I guess he was back to being Mr. Silent... "don't for a second think that I'll be sharing my popcorns with you buddy." I told him... "all of this is... " I said indicating to the things on my lap... "is mine." He watched me. The corner of his mouth was lifted slightly... "capiche?" I said wiggling my finger to him. He said nothing. But what he did was to grab my finger and kiss it. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach. God! I stuffed my mouth with popcorns to stop myself from doing what I was very much tempted to do which was to climb him and have my way with him. So mental right? I agree with you guys. I have completely gone mental. I gulped my soda to try and cool myself down. When I stole a glance at him, I saw that he was laughing at me with his eyes. Damn him! I ignored him and tried to focus on the screen in front of us, which was a very hard thing to do. But fortunately the movie I had chosen ended up being very nice and funny as hell so my attention was captured by it. When the movie came to an end, we moved out... "did you enjoy the movie?" I asked him. While I had laughed my guts out next to him, he hadn't. Every time I took a glance at him during the movie, I would find his eyes already on me. Which gave me a lot of goosebumps. Yeesh!
Kumkani: "I enjoyed watching you enjoy the movie beautiful." Lendoda! I looked away from him blushing as my heart did crazy things inside my chest.
Me: "A-Are we going home?" He said nothing and just pulled me along with him. I realized that he did that a lot. He liked being in control a lot this king of mine.

We didn't go home. He took me to this other restaurant and we had a late dinner there. And then after that we went to a game arcade where we played so many games there. No lies. He beat me in every game that we played, to which I had sulked but forgave him because he won me a lot of prizes. The way I was so giddy and happy the whole time, you guys had no idea. I laughed a lot and had a lot of fun with the king. Even though he didn't laugh or smile, I knew that he was also having fun. For some reason, I knew how to read him now. He talked more with his eyes and actions than he did with his mouth. He was surprised to see that I was quite good at bowling, not as good as him of course but yeah I could hold mine own against him. Every time I hit the mark I would shout and jump up and down happily like a small kid, and he would just shake his head at me with his eyes shining. Even though the game arcade was pretty full of people, it felt like it was just the two of us. I paid no mind to the other people around us. Even though his attention was also on me, I had the feeling that he was very aware of the people and what was happening around us. Nothing missed him. It had come to my mind only later on that, that the cinema, restaurant and game arcade had actually been a date. Our very first date. In a way, it made this thing between us official. I never thought that the king would be this romantic. Taking a woman out on dates didn't seem like a thing that he would do. And I had a feeling that I was the only woman that he had ever taken to a date. Call me stupid or whatever. But that's the feeling I had. And to me that just made it much more special that he had gone out of his comfort zone to make me happy, because I had been very very happy with him the whole time. I had smiled the biggest and had laughed the hardest I've ever had in my life that I even forgot all about my struggles and worries. When we finally decided to back home, I was dead meat and my stomach was stuffed up as hell. I had eaten a lot bethu. The way I was so exhausted, the king had to even carry me to bed when we arrived. He helped me changed out of my clothes to one of his t-shirts. I flopped in bed while he changed out his, then he joined me pulling me into his arms.
Kumkani: "Sleep little beauty." He ordered and I did just that.

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