Her body was nimble and quick as a simple back clip allowed her to throw herself behind a car before running around the side of it trying to keep his back to Bakugou. Maybe if she kept his attention on her one of his explosions would finally be able to break through the slime like acid. Though she did have the issue of not having a clue on how to attack such a villain. His slime was clearly keeping attacks from being able to penetrate through. So she needed to find a way to get through the slime. Or maybe getting into the slime was what she needed to do? But that would be hard with how acidic the slime was. Even then was there any way to know for sure if her quirk would still work within the slime? She wasn't sure so for the time being she simply dodged the stuff trying to figure out an opening.

But it wasn't easy, trying to make sure that when she dodged nothing incredibly important was at risk of being destroyed by the slime. It was moments like this she kinda wished she had spared more often with Mina back when she was in school. This quirk was similar to the pink skinned woman's but with the quirk enhancement it was making him a bit hard to deal with even with three pro hero's taking him on. Something had to be done.

Sakaki had weighed a few ideas but the one she felt that had the best likelihood of success was also a rather risky and dangerous one. This was probably going to get her yelled at but whatever, if it brought the guy down that's all that mattered. Now all she needed to do was close the gap between them and then strike.

That may have been the hardest part as she panted softly trying to get as much air into her lunges as she could. She felt the muscles in her body ache a little from the strain of the quick and pinpoint manoeuvres she herself was performing. Extremely thankful for the beating Miruko had put her through during training that allowed her to prevent from getting hurt.

Finally she closed the gap between him and herself. The large glob of acidic slime the only thing standing between them. A wide cocky grin pulled at the man's faces as he effortlessly was able to keep Kirishima and Bakugou from coming to her aid as other globs of acid flew at them.

"What you going to do girly? Your helpless just standing there," the man sneered as he could hear her panting and could see the sweat rolling down her forehead.

"Really you think so? Because I'm about to end this," she said as she pulled back her left arm and proceeded to punch into the goop even though she could hear Bakugou and Kirishima both yelling at her. Of course the acid quickly started to intently eat away the material of her suit along her forearm. It didn't instantly sting her skin but it only took seconds before that too started to burn. But that was all she needed concentrating her quirk on that particular area of her body as she released an instant gush of poison watching the acidic slime change colour quickly.

Six seconds was all she got before jumping back, ripping her arm out of the slime before whipping the arm to her side trying to get as much acid off as she could before she tried to wipe the rest off even though it ate at the material it touched. The man now in the slime was screaming curses at her unhappy with what she had done. She had turned his acid into poison that would affect him as well unless he left the slime. Which is exactly what he did jumping out of the ball of acid he was now free game.

"Dynamite!" She barked as she noticed Bakugou trying to run to her before her yell pulled him to a stop remembering the villain as he turned as an AP shot took out the villain with ease before she found both men at her side frantically talking. Well one was talking the other was yelling.

"Can you both calm down for a moment and take a step back?" She asked softly which Kirishima did as he took a deep breath and stepped back. Bakugou did not, of course.

"What the hell were you thinking you idiot!" Of course Bakugou didn't appreciate her idea.

"Well you guys couldn't reach him in that ball of slime. Only made sense that he needed to be forced out of it. What better way than a dose of poison inside his slime," she said simply with a shrug of her shoulders though the action sent a jolt of pain through her body as she looked down at her red arm. Yeah that hurt like hell, but oh well she would be fine.

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