Chapter 19: The Other Side

Start from the beginning

Regan frowns. "So the Order is leaving the other cities to fend for themselves?"

Jules shrugs. "Yes, but I'm sure Athemar isn't thrilled about this. If not for the restraints on how much magic could be used, he would have the barrier protect all of the cities," she sighs again. "But that's not our problem to worry about, unfortunately. At least the barrier prevents us from possibly getting flanked by an Orc patrol. That and there's really no going back now. At least, not for one of us," she says.

Cree narrows his eyes at her. "What do you mean 'one of us' can't go back?" he asks.

Jules turns towards him. "These barriers keep out anyone who does not possess magic," she says and extends her arm towards the barrier. Her hand easily passes through with a slight tingle. She pulls her arm back to her side and motions for Cree to try.

He eyes the wall suspiciously and extends his left hand towards it, but it feels like he's just touching a solid wall. He cocks a brow and tries with his right arm, which is able to pass through.

He groans and pulls his arm back. "Fucking hell, my arm is magic..." he clenches his metal fist.

Regan eyes his sister questioningly. "You have magic?" he asks.

Jules nods and raises her hand to show a light blue glow radiate from her palm. "I do. Honestly, our parents and I were all surprised when we realized you didn't have magic. You still had traces of it, but no actual power. Perhaps it went to me because I was born first, because we thought it's inherent for all descendants of Ophelia to have magic in their veins, but it seems you were skipped," she explains.

Regan looks down at his hands and sighs. "...Whatever the case may be, it doesn't matter. We have far more important things to focus on right now. We can worry about learning about our lineage another day," he says and lifts his head to stand firm.

Cree nods. "He's right. So, Jules, what do we do now?" he asks.

Jules turns towards the walls of Ecrin. "Once you get through the gates, you'll see the Divine Temple up on the cliff overlooking the city. Just follow the road signs until you get there. This is as far as I can take you, I'm afraid. I don't know how the Order's soldiers would react to me, but however they do is probably however Blackwell wants them to react, so I'd rather not take my chances," she states.

"But, I will say that this is likely the last time I will see you for a while. So, if there's anything you want to know, please ask now," she adds.

Regan stares at her and nods slowly. "Yes... I wanted to apologize for how I reacted to finding out you were my sister. These past few weeks have been hard and I suppose I was just overwhelmed by everything. But regardless of how I reacted," he smiles and takes a step towards her. "It is good to see you, Julia."

Jules scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I know you're still just remembering me, but let me make one thing clear," she glares at him before punching his shoulder, making him wince.

"Never call me 'Julia' again you little shit," she snaps with a grin.

Regan chuckles and rubs his shoulder. "Duly noted. But now, I'm curious... Where will you go now?" he asks. Jules sighs and glances back at the barrier.

"I have faith that you guys can get Athemar to open his eyes, but whatever happens after that is out of any of our control. In case it does happen and Aramora is destroyed, I'm not going to stick around and wait to be turned to ash. After we part ways, I'll be on the first ship out of Aramora. I'll be laying low in Conarita for a while, and if and when the barriers come down, I'll see whatever may happen next," she explains with a smile.

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