"No one? That's a shame." Umbridge scribbled a few words on her paper. Trelawney looked at her with worry, wondering what the inquisitor was thinking. "Who can tell me the importance of dreams and their interpretations, then?"

Juliette didn't waste a second this time, and raised a confident hand. She's read the Dream Oracle until she memorized some passages, after all. And answering that question wouldn't reveal anything about her Seer abilities.

"Yes, Miss Avery?" Umbridge looked at her with a strained smile.

"Dreams are the products of one's subconscious. They can contain significant elements from our lives that we might not deem important. By interpreting dreams, we connect various relevant information and reveal facts about the dream holder's emotions, thoughts and personal life. Dreams are also considered as messengers from the future by some interpreters." Juliette answered, and the classroom stood silent for a moment. Umbridge's quill was frozen in mid air, the tip almost touching the paper. It was clear that she wasn't exactly expecting a real answer, and desperately wanted to embarrass Trelawney in her own classroom.

"Excellent." Was her reply, and she momentarily put down her quill. "Please feel free to interpret Miss Brown's dreams for me, dear."

"She had dreams about going back home for holidays, spending time with family members, she distinctly remembers her grandmother's voice, and she's seen her pet rabbit who passed away. She must be feeling nostalgic and emotional, in need of being in a space where she feels safe and comfortable, which might be the product of stressing over homework and O.W.L. studies straight out of summer holidays." Juliette answered without missing a beat, and Umbridge evaluated her answer in silence. Juliette gave her the sweetest smile she could put on her face. Trelawney's private sessions were finally proving useful and to be honest, she was glad she's been attending them if it meant wiping the fake concerned smile off of Umbridge's face.

"And what would you predict for her future?" Umbridge asked.

Juliette didn't reply immediately, taking a moment to think. She didn't know how to link dreams and the dream holder's future yet. She didn't have an answer for her question, but even if she did, she wouldn't say it out loud.

"I don't know, Professor. I'm not a Seer." She answered instead.

"I see." Umbridge turned to Trelawney once again. "What about you, Professor? What is your prediction?"

The Divination Professor was caught off guard. She clasped her hands together as her lips kept moving; physical indications that she was thinking and generating ideas.

"It means... It means that Miss Brown is going to go through hard times! She will be seeking familiarity, but she will soon discover that what she needs will find its way to her!" Trelawney answered, and Juliette heard Lavender's gasp from the back row as she considered the professor's words. Umbridge, on the other hand, wasn't impressed at all.

She scribbled down further information with a mysterious hum.

"Very well. I wish you all a nice, productive lesson." She smiled and turned towards the door, but paused as she was just about to exit. "Oh, and 10 points for Hufflepuff. Well done, Miss Avery."

Juliette's smile wavered. She had an unsatisfactory feeling that she proved Umbridge that she was the only one paying attention in class, not how good of a teacher Trelawney was. And was Umbridge even allowed to give points as an inquisitor?

"W– Well," Trelawney fixed her glasses with a shaky hand. Juliette felt bad for her. "Please go on, Lavender, dear."

Lavender hesitantly picked up her diary and kept reading her dreams from Wednesday. Juliette zoned out a little as her voice got lost in the background along with Harry and Ron's whispers. She noticed Neville shifting around uncomfortably in the corner of her eye. Her hands played with her diary's cover. Everyone in the room felt drained by Umbridge, and she wasn't even present for more than fifteen minutes. Juliette worried about her position as high inquisitor. She knew Trelawney wouldn't get any approval from her, and she was concerned about the notes Umbridge took that were unknown to the rest of the class. She wasn't eager to see what the outcome of inquisitions were going to be.

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