"no? i don't sleep naked, ever."

"that's what i thought." i say and cross my arms, looking at the ground in front of me.

"what? why?" he asks and props himself up on his forearms, his hair falling gracefully down his shoulders.

"i'm just asking since i, uhm," i struggle to say, it's a very awkward situation to be in, "i woke up on top of you and... and we were both naked. so." i finish and hug my arms, looking everywhere but at him.

in the corner of my eye i see him look down at himself, finally noticing that he is naked.

"oh." he lets out quietly, barely even a whisper.

i get him, both of us feel equally embarrassed about the situation.

"do you think we, uh," he finally speaks, "did it?" he asks and i chuckle.

"ethan, i'm no mathematician, but i can put two and two together." i say as he smirks, a bit of humor evident on his facial expressions.

"so that's a yes."

"yeah." i confirm and after that the room falls quiet again, both of us trying to process what happened, or what we think happened, last night.

ethan managed to get dressed, with me giving him some privacy of course. the only reason i haven't left yet is because i know the rest of them are waiting for us downstairs for breakfast and i don't want to go alone.

i decide to cure ethan and i's pounding headaches while i wait for him to get ready. i prepare two glasses of water and two tablets, popping one in my mouth and watering it down.

"glad to know we used protection." i mumble to myself when i see a used, tied up condom thrown in the trash next to the bed.

with the excess time i have, i try my hardest to remember last night. leaving the hotel surely can't be the last thing i have memorised in my head, there must be something more. i know ethan and i had fun, that's nice. i guess.

do i like the fact we hooked up? i'm having second thoughts. he doesn't seem to mind it, so why am i freaking out? or maybe he is, but is keeping his cool? like ethan always does.

"have you seen my pants?" ethan's low morning voice calls from the conjoined bathroom and i take a look around the room.

the only thing laid in the middle of the floor were his black bell bottom jeans. i took them in my hands and handed them to ethan, ethan who was already on his way out of the bathroom.


"buongiorno, lovebirds!" damiano's voice and presence bursts through the door, making both ethan and i flinch.

"god, can you not be loud for once?!" i warn sternly, still keeping my voice much quieter than his is.

"nope! and i bet it was loud here last night as well, huh, big guy?" he smirks and motions to ethan, grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him lightly.

my eyes widen slightly as i stay quiet.

"fanculo, damia." ethan gets rid of his hands and proceeds to put his pants on, zipping up his flier.

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