Who said that?! Maybe I should take a walk..

Oh! And of course Ghostbur. We're pals. Lads on tour! You know?

Speaking of ghostbur, I see him picking a red flower from across the field. Odd, he hasn't been here in a while. But i'm so happy to see him..

1T$ N@7T H/M (it's not him)

Excuse me? Is someone there? Eh oh well. I wave to ghostbur but he just looks at my direction and walks the other way. Hmm... maybe he didn't see me. So I followed him.

drip. drip. drip.

When he saw me following he only floated away faster.

"Ghostbur! wait!" I shouted after him

I don't understand why he's running..

Everytime I got closer he would look back and speed up again. He was dropping the flowers he was collecting from before. All of them were red. Isn't ghostbur's thing blue?

5DR34M$ F&<L(T (Dreams fault)

Ah! What the fuck? Now i've heard it 3 times.. I cant be imagining things..

I shake it off and look up to realize i've lost track of ghostbur. And i'm in the woods.. like the ones i'm not supposed to be in..

Oh god! Dreams gonna be so mad, ugh I'm so stupid how could I get lost??!

"Tommy... what did I say about wandering off..?"

I froze.

drip. drip. drip

"I-I'm sorry Dr-Dream I didn't mean to.. I just got-"

"-Lost?" He replied

"Yes.. I-I- I was following ghosbur and-"

"Ghostbur? Ghostbur hasn't been here in weeks. You're probably going crazy"

Maybe I was.. i'm hearing things now i'm seeing things too..

"Tommy, you know what this means right?" He said, I could feel his glare through the mask

"Y-yes Dream.."

We walked back to logstedshire where dream made a pit in the ground for me to drop my stuff in

He blew it up as I covered my ears.

Man. I hate tnt

drip. drip. drip


He slapped me.

I clutched my face with my hands as I fell to the ground with the force of his hit. Tears pricked my eyes as I looked up at him. He was so tall and intimidating, his constant smile only made it worse.

He yanked me up off the ground by the collar of my shirt. I scratched and clawed at his hand, trying to get free. Then I bit him. With a yelp of pain he dropped me. I scrambled off the ground and began running, I don't know where to, just away from him...

H3'$ N@7T W/~|O Y<>U T)1!NK H3 1$ (he's not who you think he is)

This made me trip. I lost my guard, now i'm screwed.

drip. drip. drip.

"Tommy.. Tommy Tommy Tommy, what am I going to do with you..?"


drip. drip. drip

He grabbed my arm and dragged me to a bedrock room.. How did he even get this here..?

When he opened the door, all there was was a wooden table with a lamp on it.

drip. drip. drip

I was still struggling against dreams grasp but he was much stronger than me.

He threw me forwards into the table, it knocked over the lamp which shattered on the floor and cut my skin.

drip. drip. drip

Dream stepped forwards grabbing the table and smashing it against the wall. He held the broken table at me like a warning.

drip. drip. drip

I looked past him to see the door was open, he must have noticed me looking at it because when I tried to run out he pushed me over and sent a swift kick to my stomach. I toppled over in pain.

drip. drip. drip

As he continued to smash the table I crawled into the corner and hid.

drip. drip. drip

He looked to me again breathing heavily.

"please stop... Dream.."

"No Tommy, you deserve this for trying to run away"

Now I sit in the corner.. listening to the drip of the water from the other side of the room

drip. drip. drip.

for hours.

I look to the broken glass on the floor from the slowly dying lamp.

There's only one way out of this hellhole.

1116 words

Uhhh... sorry?

Yk I actually really like this chapter even though it's like awful what actually happened wise, but yeah!

I said I had art so here ya go:



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(Ik the hand is flipped, I can't fix it ))): )

I'd also just like to explain one thing, ghostbur was a hallucination Dream sent specifically for Tommy because he knew that would happen. And ghostbur had red flowers because it's not really him

Anyways that's about it (:

I love you guys, you are appreciated and cared for <33
I hope you're having a great day/night/whatever time it is for you
here's an optional hug headpat or handshake
And some blue: 🌹🥀🥀🥀🥀🌹

/j (🦋🐳🦋🦕🦋🐬)

-Crow 🎩

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