-Eternal life is not a gift its a curse-

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Art credits to: liodraws on instagram

Requested: No
Character: Phil
Setting: the ruins of dream smp, "the cliff" (idk what to call it 😅)

TWs for this chapter:
• Grief
• Implied su1c*de

A/N: 4/4... i'll see you guys in a bit for the conclusion (:

|*~Phil POV (3rd person)~*|

He stepped out of the doorway, gently brushing his fingers across the chipped and decrepit frame of the doorway he's had since he can remember.

He's been here more than a million times, the same house, the same doorframe, the same hands brushing past the splintery wood. He was used to losing people, but this just felt cruel.

Outside of his door was the rubble and ash of all the things he ever loved, metaphorically, but it still felt like it. He gazed upon the ruins of what his friends, his enemies, and his family created, wondering why he was cursed to stay when they got to go.

You see, 5000 years ago, he had fallen in love.. the object of his desire belonged to no other than the goddess of death herself. When they had first fallen in love, she blessed him with the gift of eternal life. Things had gone south and Phil left, it's hard to leave an omnipresent being, but essentially he left her heart. She was vengeful and had turned his blessing into a curse, making it so that he would suffer the most, and have to remember and endure that pain for several lifetimes.

As time passed, she grew to forgive him. This is why she made a way for him to escape it. A cliff, miles away. It would take weeks to reach but then again for someone like Phil, a week felt like a second compared to the whole.

If he were to reach the cliffs edge, he could put his mind at peace. And this is why he leaves his door. He's ready to let go.

He's written many stories that may later be discovered, about the troubles and hardships of the ones he cares about.

(Which is what you. dear reader. Have been reading...)

I guess it was a way to cope with the guilt he feels about the whole situation. Many different timelines, many different people, many different types of pain. And he had to experience them all. Second hand of course. But as time went on he became more empathetic. Once a closed minded narcissist boy, he's now experienced more than most. He really was a wise old man, at least as son had said.

... it's been years since he died

almost 100.

it's been too long.

He says goodbye to the one thing that's been here since the beginning, now it's the end.

Then he rides off on the last remaining sign of life. His horse.

He rides off to everyone he's known, they've been waiting for him, and now he'll finally get to see them again.


He stands before the cliffs edge. taking a deep breath. then he's gone.

501 words

The end...

Also, just to be clear, I did not find the ruins of a desolate land and write from the books of a man who's lives several life times

But I thought that would be a fun detail

Check my next chapter in about 20-30 minutes, it's just a goodbye so don't feel obligated to read it but i'll see you when I see you

I love you all so much
I hope you're having a great day/night/whatever time it is for you
here's an optional hug headpat or handshake
and some blue: 🫂🫂🫂🫂

-Crow 👱

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