-Ayup loves, new book? + Important thing-

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Ello, due to a comment on my chapter :Ranboo? I have decided I want to make a new oneshots book about Ranboo himself. It would be very pog if y'all were to read it and give requests. Also it's not just the comment that made me want to write it, I really like writing the Ranboo angst chapter so I thought I could write specifically Ranboo stories in another book.

This does not mean I will stop writing this book, far from that actually. I will just be spending more time writing in general so I can get chapters out for both. Updates should be like they have been the last few weeks where they are 5 days apart so it will give me time to write for the other one as well.

Also important thing now- I am changing the cover of this book because I don't know if I like it that much anymore. The art is still great of course but I don't know if I like it for my book cover. In the introduction I will still give credit and put the old picture but there will be a second credit for the new book cover.

I love all of you dearest readers <3
I hope you have a good day/night/whatever time of the day it is for you
Take a hug, head pat, or handshake
And here is your blue: 💙💙💙💙

Also new thing pog
I haven't done this for any other chapters but if you want you guys can call me cloudy (:

-Cloudy <3

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