-Talk to me-

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Art credits to: krreundyn on instagram, the designs are so pretttyyyyyyyy <3333

Requested: No
Character: Techno
Setting: School 😩

Trigger warnings!!!:
• Bordeline obsession

A/N: Double upload 2night 😍

|*~Techno POV (1rst person)~*|

I see you talking with your friends. Wish that was me

Wasn't it just last week you wanted to talk to me so badly? I must be imagining things, why would you of all people want to talk to me. You're so cool and i'm...

Weird, annoying. I make things awkward. So I guess it makes sense.

Everything was going so well and I had to ruin it. You picked me as your partner for a class activity, we were laughing and making jokes, but I must have done something because next thing I know you're back talking to that Karl guy. And then you just stopped.

You stopped saying hi to me in the halls, you stopped looking for me outside after school.

You probably hate me by now anyways.

I'm a creep right?

I always look for you in the mess of children, you're always too far away to talk to. Even outside of school I think about you.

I know it's weird, but I had a dream about you. I was in school, we were having some sort of assembly. When it was over, you ran over and tapped my shoulder. You smiled at me before giving me a paper heart. In a platonic way of course, but it made me so happy for some reason, that when I woke up I didn't feel like breathing.

Is it possible to care so much about one person you wanna die?

I don't know, but whatever this is, it doesn't seem healthy to me.

I just wish I didn't fuck it up like usual. You know I have zero friends right? at least not friend friends, rather people who talk to me when they have nothing else to do.

Maybe that's it, I crave validation so badly that I don't actually care if it's you instead the fact you're not talking to me. Typical me, being selfish.

Maybe it's better you don't talk to me at all, I don't deserve your attention or time. You'd be better off not knowing me.

I- I just can't shake the feeling you're mad at me. Whatever it's fine.

I feel like sinking into my chair and disappearing.

It's fine. I'm fine.

No i'm not.

|*~No ones POV (3rd person)~*|

It was the end of the day when Quackity had offered to stay after and help clean up.

"Thank you so much for helping me, dearie" One of the teachers said to him with a smile.

"It's no problem Mrs.Beatrice! I'll be going now, see you tomorrow." He said, smiling back (mm yes Beatrice sounds like an old lady name)

And so he grabbed his stuff and was on his way. No one else was at the school except for sports but they still had almost an hour left, the halls were empty though. As he was about to open the door to leave he heard someone behind him yell

"Quackity! wait up"

He turned around to see Techno.

"Hey Techno! how are you man?" He said cheerfully, techno seemed to be breathing heavily

"Did you run here?" Quackity asked him with a giggle

"Yeah uh-"

"Look i'm sorry-"

Quackity looked confused.

"For what? you haven't done anything" He laughed like it was obvious.

Technos sighed as he turned to face Quackity, they both stopped walking.

Techno played with his fingers nervously. before taking a deep breath

"You say I haven't done anything wrong but I obviously have otherwise you wouldn't be ignoring me. And i'm not mad at you I don't blame you I just want to know what I did so I can fix it. I'm sorry I know this sounds weird but I really want to be your friend but you won't talk to me and- I think you're so cool. I feel weird talking to you which is a problem because if I don't talk to you you won't talk to me so it's probably just all my fault anyways i'm sorry- I know i'm rambling I just.."

Quackity cut him off by putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Dude, take a breath or you're gonna pass out from air loss" He looked at him worried.

"No stress man, you haven't done anything. I promise. But if you wanted to talk you could've just said so"

"Yeah i'm sorry-" He continued

"Don't be. It's my fault too you know. But I won't know what you're thinking unless you tell me."

Techno just looked at him before slowly saying

"..okay" He sighed again

"We good?" Quackity asked

"Yeah, yeah. We're good" Techno smiled

That had gone a lot better than he had thought.

795 words

Two shorter chapters but together it's the length of one long chapter so 😩

I don't have much else to say so that's it <333

Ily guys <3
I hope you have a good day/night/whatever time of the day it is for you
here's an optional hug headpat or handshake 🫂🫂
And some blue: 💙💙💙💙💙

-Crow 😏

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