Introduction to my book :)

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New cover art by: teenybopper_art on Instagram (very pog)

Old cover art by: the_channel_without_a_name on Instagram :)

___________•***•__________ |Section: Welcome reader|Welcome! This is my first ever book so I apologize if I'm not the best at writing

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|Section: Welcome reader|
Welcome! This is my first ever book so I apologize if I'm not the best at writing. Feel free to give any criticisms in the comments, just please no hate. Also none of the art is mine unless I say so, so I will be putting the artist at the beginning of each chapter.

This is a one shots book meaning each chapter will be an individual short story that won't continue onto the next chapter (the next chapter will be a new setting & timeline) unless the chapter title says part 2.

|Section: Update schedule|
As for my update schedule. I don't have any set times or days I will be posting a new chapter, but I will try to get at least 2-3 chapters out a week. Maybe more, maybe less. It really depends on how long each chapter takes to write and how much time I have to write.

|Section: other book info|
For this book I am taking requests for chapters. If you do want to request anything please include the characters, setting, what's happening to the character, any other details about people/place/situation. When requesting something please go into detail about the chapter otherwise it will be hard to write what you are thinking of.

I will try not to include a/n chapters but I will if it's important.

If any of the people mentioned in this book are uncomfortable or don't want people writing angst about them, please tell me and I will take them out of the book or delete it.

Also- this will be focused on the members of sleepyboysinc NOT the dream smp so please don't request stories about other Minecraft youtubers/streamers.


299 words | sbi angst one shots |Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora