Call Thirteen

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Dabok Villa

Security Guard Post

"I already met him."

Sungyoon whispers to his mic as he stands at the door of the security guard post. The elder dressed in the guard's uniform reappears, looking worried.

"Oh dear, you are still here, Detective?" The old man says. "Did you find the boy?"

Sungyoon notices the guard's black boots and he sniffs a strong pungent odour. The soles of the boots are soiled and dusty.

"No, not yet," Sungyoon utters. "Sir, could you remember any visitor who claims to be Oh Sujin-ssi's father?"

The old man tilts his head, looking stumped. "There are so many visitors that I don't think I can remember."

"Araso," Sungyoon responds, his eyes continued to fix on the elder's. "Where were you just now?"

The guard smiles, "I was doing a regular check at the machine room."

"By any chance, would you think the boy will be hidden there?" Sungyoon asks, reflecting the same sinister smile.

"Well, Detective. I did not see anyone going in while I was there."

"I like to check it out now. Will you bring me there?"

"Let me get you a drink first, Detective," The old man opens a portable fridge and retrieves a small grape juice in a bottle. "Here, have a sip!"

Sungyoon accepts it reluctantly. "Thanks, I guess."

"Drink up and follow me. You need that much energy if you want to go in there," the old man shares with Sungyoon in a carefree manner. "That place is stuffy and as hot as the sauna!"

Sungyoon opens it and chugs a mouthful. The old man leads the way out of the guard post.


Emergency Call Center

Joochan holds his breath, recalling what Sungyoon said. Who did Sungyoon meet?

"Chief Hong!"

Daeyeol reminds Joochan of his presence, crossing his arms. Joochan faces him fully, meeting the Chief of the Violent Crimes Unit.

"Your Golden time is up," Daeyeol states with a side smirk. "You lost."

Joochan blinks away with hurt, clenching his hands tightly.

"That's unfair," Bomin interrupts all of the sudden, surprising Seungmin and Joochan. "We are close to finding the boy. Give us ten more minutes."

"Well, that is not what we promised, right, Sergeant Hong Joochan-ssi. I suppose you stop whatever you are doing now and let me and my team find the boy. I am sure there are other callers that need your emergency tag lines," Daeyeol rubs his hands, implying the battle between him and Joochan was conclusive.

Joochan is defeated.

"Corporal Choi, Corporal Han," Joochan straightens his posture and summons the two officers.

"Ye, sir." "Ye, Chief".

Joochan readjusts his headphones and shuts his eyes. "Please escort the Chief of the Violent Crimes Unit out of the call room."

Daeyeol widens his eyes and yaps. "Mwo?!"

"The boy trusts me to save him," Joochan glares his eyes at Daeyeol. "I will not let him down. Please leave."

"Yah!" Daeyeol yells back and he is about to jump onto Joochan when Bomin and Officer Han drag him by the arms, towards the doors. The two officers who were here to arrest Bomin leave as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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