Call Eleven

101 16 4

Emergency Call Centre

“Sir… I am getting tired.”

Joochan stiffens hearing the weak voice of the child in his ears. His breathing imitates a punctured tire that releases air in between long intervals. He hates to admit that he can hear the wound being squashed by the petite fist of the unfortunate boy.

“Please stay awake, boy. We want to save you and need you to talk to us so we can find you,” Joochan consoles him. “Can you give us your name and age? Also, your mom’s name?”

“I’m Son Aram… Seven years old… I don’t know my mom’s name…”

Suddenly, a random shout intercepts their conversation. Joochan presses one side of the earphone tightly, making sense of the shout despite the caller being hidden and muffled.

Joochan hears the woman calling him by his name, demanding him to come out from his hiding.

“Aram-ah,” Joochan asks softly, just in case the boy has put him on speaker and he could blow Aram’s hiding. “Where are you?”

“Washing machine,” Aram exhales painfully. “I think she went out of the front door.”

Aram is able to figure the sound of the door from his hiding but Joochan hears more than just the shutting door. Joochan picked up the hostility in her voice when she called him out, using words that no mother would say to her beloved child. Saying words like she would kill him or endanger him really stabs Joochan’s sensitive heart.

But that is not the only thing that bothers him.

There was a pause, as long as about two minutes when another voice is heard. Instead of the raging woman with a weapon, she sounded like a vulnerable anxious mother searching for her lost child. Joochan could have guessed there were two women in the household, if it is not for his incredible hearing ability. He knows better that the two voices came from the very same person.

Joochan is certain that he noticed the abrupt switch of one voice to the other. The woman is probably suffering a mental problem.

“Aram-ah,” Joochan talks to the boy again since the mother is gone. “Can you give us your address?”

A pause enters, his breathing abruptly quickened. “I never leave the house, sir.”

Joochan curls his toes, trying again. “What do you see outside window? Can you remember?”



“Brick buildings. Red brick buildings. Look small but… taller than trees.”

Muting the call, Joochan averts his eyes towards Seungmin. “Search for red brick buildings at 43 Burim-dong.”

Seungmin has already fixed his headphones and he nods once he receives the order. He clicks his way on the two monitors, letting his quick fingertips punch commands to the computer as it loads information of what he needs to provide.

While the Assistant Call Manager searches the net, the young officer stands behind him and remains calm. He manages to catch Joochan’s eyes but he quickly looks down, thinking his presence is unwanted. Joochan barely cares as he races against time to find the child.

“Aram-ah, where are you stabbed?” Joochan continues with his questions.

Bomin continues to watch Joochan in action while the caller responds.

“Below my belly button… it hurts.”

Joochan holds on the small bulb of his microphone closer to his lips. “Listen to me, Aram-ah. If it bleeds too much, it can be bad for you. Let’s do some magic. Can you press your hand at the cut and hold it there?”

A squishing sound follows and Joochan can hear his whimpers of pain. “Great job, Aram-ah. The police are on their way. Don’t worry.”

Bomin tosses a side smile and wears his cap on his head, pocketing both his hands. “I think I’ve seen enough, Seungmin-hyung. I’ll take my leave.”

“Yah!” Seungmin grunts and before he continues to speak, Joochan cuts him.

“Continue your search, Sergeant Seungmin. Leave him to me,” Joochan speaks with power, reminding everyone of his position in the room.

Bomin does not look affected at all. He salutes with a flick of his hand by his cap towards Joochan, ending it with a cheeky smile. “Joesonghamnida, Chief Hong. I appreciate your short-lived welcome that took an ugly turn away from me. I am actually not really sure why I am still here in the first place. But seriously, I have seen enough of what Golden Time team has to offer. It continues to convince me that my previous team deserves me more than being here.”

Joochan remains still with a fixed gaze on Bomin, awaiting for more of Bomin’s speech. Apparently, Bomin finds nothing more to say and spins around to leave.

“Dabok Villa,” Seungmin suddenly announces upon the result of his search and Joochan takes note, clicking buttons to repeat the new information on the radio.

When Bomin reaches the door, Joochan stops him with a provoking question.

“What do you actually want to protect, Choi Bomin-ssi?”

Bomin looks over the shoulder, seeing Joochan’s eyes afixed on the largely projected screen. The young officer involuntarily follows his line of sight, staring at the map of Burim dong where Aram is probably hidden in one of the buildings while the two blinking icons indicates the incoming police cars circling around the area.

“What are you trying to get from me?” Bomin attempts to joke it out.

Joochan is not up for jokes right now. “You spoke of your achievements on how you countered terrorism, as though you have protected something valuable and precious to us Koreans. That I should be thankful to you, and I would be a fool to drag you here while leaving an opening for terrorists to sneak through our border.”

A vein pops on Bomin’s forehead, his shoulders perked in defense. “I was not bragging about myself-”

“Border,” Joochan finally looks at Bomin in the eyes. “Your job in the Airport Police Team is just protecting the border.”

Bomin has his breath caught in the throat, suddenly unable to counter Joochan’s statement.

Joochan continues to speak his mind. “The reason I rejected you was not because you were not skilled or experienced for this job. What upsets me is not what Kim Donghyun wanted you to think of Golden Time Team. Rather, I am disappointed that you would think protecting the border is more important than protecting the people behind the border. If all the good men like you are armed against the dangers from the outside, who else are going to protect our people from the dangers within?”

The truth stabs Bomin’s heart and soul mercilessly, his pride melting away from the heat of Joochan’s anger. Bomin gulps, bowing his head and hiding his face under the shadow of his cap.

Joochan looks back at the projected screen. “For the past five minutes, all you've heard and seen were just how effective and valuable Golden Time team is. But what I am seeing is a boy being stabbed by his own mother in his own house. Can you and Airport Police Team do anything about that?”

“Yah, that is your job!” Bomin yells back out of anger and shame.

Joochan smiles and glances at Seungmin. “That is right. It is our job and not any guy from the Border or who had multiple student exchange programs can help us. So, go away and don’t call Seungmin-Sunbae for help ever again-”

“Jinjja, are you toying with me? Wait, are you testing me?” Bomin points at the floor, demanding an answer he needs immediately. “Oh, I get it. You are lecturing me and mocking me in front of your team so that I feel challenged and I will beg you to let me in. You are very wrong about this!”

“Leave already,” Joochan flicks his hand away and directs his attention to an officer in front of his desk. “Corporal Han, can you search for any Son Aram, with a profile of a seven year old boy? Use the records of residents in Dabok Villa.”

Bomin huffs proudly and grabs a chair next to Seungmin, pushing it near Seungmin.

“Yah, what are you doing?!” Seungmin reacts, having his chair pushed slightly to make room for Bomin to be seated.

“The boy just said his mother left the unit, right?” Bomin clarifies with Seungmin as he snaps his two fingers. “Check on any surveillance cameras in Dabok Villa at about three minutes ago. You definitely see a woman running down frantic, worried or in panic.”

Seungmin furrows his dark thick brows and chides. “Why are you giving me orders, you little brat?”

“Do it now or the kid will die, Hyung!”


“Do it,” Joochan intervenes their squabble and he smiles at the surprised face of Seungmin. “Let him prove himself before he leaves.”

“De…” Seungmin works his fingers, while Bomin pinches his own chin, staring hard at the monitors.

Dabok Villa, Burim-dong

Shutting the driver's door of the Range Rover, Donghyun looks around and stands besides Sungyoon who remains seated inside the vehicle. The man pretends to be asleep, obviously not fooling Donghyun.

“Yah, Hyung. Get out and get searching,” Donghyun kicks the door, hoping to agitate the man. “This kid is a year older than a preschooler. He is bleeding!”

“I heard you! Stop nagging already,” Sungyoon deliberately opens the door to push on Donghyun who remarkably jumps away from getting hit.

The patrol officers jog towards the two detectives in black bulletproof jackets. Sungyoon grabs the walkie talkie and faces them professionally. Donghyun huffs to the side, sometimes in disbelief that this hot-tempered vengeful young man is a detective like him.

“Officers! You have a radio with you, right?” Sungyoon asks the officers in patrol uniform. “Let’s search the areas surrounding the Dabok Villa. Since it is a big area, half of you go this way and the other that way. We’ll cover the back. Go!”

The officers disperse themselves in two directions. Donghyun is walking towards the back when Sungyoon moves away from him in an opposite direction.

“Where are you going, Hyung?” Donghyun asks curiously.

Sungyoon exhales and continues to walk away. “Let’s check the security office first.”

The radio buzzes again and it is the Chief Hong Joochan again.

“Attention everyone. The Dabok Villa Burim-dong injury case is now raised as a murder case. Apparently, there were more children confined and abused by the suspect.”

Donghyun hisses and pants hard while running. “What a psycho woman.”

Sungyoon pats his shoulder. “Shut up and let’s go over there.”

Donghyun looks ahead and they found the small office at the entrance of the villa where the security post is located. The two run and meets an elder man with grey hair under the slanted uniform hat. He stands at the door as though he expects the detectives’ arrival.

The security man bows at the two detectives. “You are already here. I was told you were coming. Seems like child abuse.”

Sungyoon raises a brow at the last sentence but Donghyun cuts to the point. “Do you have any idea who it could be?”

“Actually, a weird thing happened today,” the security man confesses with a slight hesitation.

“A weird thing?” Donghyun repeats after the old man.

“Tell them, sir!”

A woman's voice is heard and the detectives notice two women standing outside the post, seemingly overheard their conversation.

The other woman continues to finish their claim. “There is a child in our complex that complains about his mother abusing him. It must be the one in Unit 5-104.”

Sungyoon steps outside, coming closer to the women. “Building Five, Unit 104?”

His approach becomes intimidating that the two women step back to make room for him to stand. They sense Sungyoon radiating an aura of terror, suffocating and darkening.

Donghyun catches their look of fear, stepping ahead of Sungyoon before the women decide to run away. He continues questioning. “Did you witness the child being beaten?”

“Ani! But this will prove it!” the woman brings forward a disposable bag of items.

Donghyun notices the smudges of blood and he quickly assists the woman in opening the bag. He tosses the materials out on the tarred road, consisting emptied syringes, soiled bandages and other trash. Sungyoon stoops down, bringing out his wrist cuff forward and covering his hand while he rummages among the things.

“Officers,” the elder security man stands behind them and speaks. “I was about to say that I saw something last night during my patrol. The woman seemed very upset and she was beating the child.”

The two women whimper after hearing the security guard who emphasizes his story with punches of his fist in the air. Donghyun stands up and demands the resident’s information.

The security guard enters his office and returns outside a moment later. He passes the file to Donghyun who flips it for awhile. He passes it to Sungyoon who looks at it again and dials the radio.

“Team One. We found a resident that could be a suspect. Hwang Ji-suk in Unit 5-104. Her ID Number is 860714-2364712. Find out what you can on Hwang Ji-suk. We are heading to there right now…” Sungyoon’s voice trails away when his eyes catch a familiar vehicle stalling at the Building Five.

“What the… Is that Jangjun-Hyung?” Donghyun states out of surprise as he sees what Sungyoon sees too. “And Youngtaek-Hyung too? Yah, why are they here? Are they going inside Building Five?!”

Sungyoon smirks and passes the file back for the security guard. “Assholes.”

“What?” Donghyun blurts, completely clueless.

Before he gets any response, Sungyoon runs off and Donghyun reluctantly follows behind. Jangjun and Youngtaek have been listening to the radio and they definitely have heard Sungyoon just now. They are obviously trying to nab the bad guy before Sungyoon and Donghyun.

Sungyoon can only smirk, knowing that it must be Daeyeol’s order. He knows that leader too well for his own good.

Emergency Call Center

Joochan exhales in relief, getting a lead from Sungyoon over the radio. He is quietly glad that he can trust Sungyoon to work his job despite the friction between them.

Switching to the call with the victim, Joochan speaks eagerly. “Aram-ah, the police are nearby. Please hang in there longer. If you hear anything, don’t be scared. Promise me you will stay where you are, okay?”

“I also heard something…”

Joochan furrows his brows, noticing long pauses between the boy’s breath. He is certainly falling asleep, or feeling delirious due to the loss of blood. Joochan continues to listen.

“The sound of xylophone.”

Joochan straightens his back, tuning out from his environment and recalling the sound of that said instrument.

“Whenever Dad comes home, I hear the sound of the xylophone. Mom always cries hearing it.”

Canceling out Aram’s voice, Joochan traces the tiniest decibel of the said xylophone. There is truth in Aram’s words, as Joochan can sense the sound but something tells him it is not how a xylophone would sound.

It may come from hitting long metal bars like the xylophone but the sound is leaning more towards the sound of a triangle instrument. If he wants to be precise, the sound lies between a chime and a dinging sound.

“This is hard for me too! Why do you always blame it on me?!”

Joochan jumps into a stand, hearing the woman’s voice again but this time, her words are not directed to Aram. It is as though she is shouting to someone else. Joochan wonders if she brought back someone else into the household. Is it the father? 

Joochan grinds his teeth, figuring out through the thick web of sounds surrounding Aram. Out of the blue, he is stunned by a brief thud, that seems to amplify out of Aram’s hiding.

Aram’s breaths turn into a gasp. Joochan believes the phone fell from his hand and caused the thud. Everyone in the call Centre stiffen, wondering if that thud is loud enough to be heard by the mother.

Seungmin licks his bottom lip, staring at the projected screen when Bomin slaps his back, snapping in anger.

“Get onto it! Find the woman,” Bomin demands, stopping the older cousin to be distracted and pointing at the screens of multiple camera views.

“Yah, jinjja. That boy is going to be found out by the mother because of that thud. Are you not bothered by that?! And why are we still finding the woman anyways? Sungyoon and Donghyun are probably outside the house, barging in anytime soon,” Seungmin argues confidently.

“We cannot be so sure!” Bomin states with slap of his palm on the desk. “Don’t relax just because we have a lead. If we find the woman in the camera, and we can confirm in Hwang Ji-suk, then you can relax.”

Seungmin huffs, getting lectured by the Junior. “Araso. I’ll find her for you so you can relax-“

“There! The woman by the recycle bins. Look, she is searching for someone. Ah, pause right there and screenshot her face. Zoom for more details!” Bomin commands, hurrying Seungmin who deliberately delays his movement because he cannot understand Bomin.

“The camera was last updated ages ago. This is the best resolution I can get,” Seungmin expands the woman’s face and crops her face.

Bomin nods and works on another computer. “Good enough. I can see enough details to identify.”

“You can do that?! Jinjja?!” Seungmin blurts in disbelief.

“Sergeant Bae Seungmin-ssi. I am trained in quality face recognition; a pre-requisite to be an immigration officer, in which also was part of being in the Airport Police Team. Just so you know,” Bomin glances at Joochan who notices. “I am not bragging!”

Joochan hushes him as he listens to Aram’s hitched breaths.

“I think she is going to find me. I’m scared,” Aram mutters fearfully.

“Don’t worry. The police are nearby. Hang in there, Aram-ah,” Joochan replies him, convincing him to calm down and continue to stay quiet in his hiding.

Brushing his knuckles through his hair, Joochan paces down the room and looks at the map, seeing the field officers run to the Building Five. His mind continues jumbling up all the pieces of information he gathered from Aram.

His hunch keeps telling him that Sungyoon and Donghyun are not going to where Aram is. With another look at Bomin, who is identifying a suspicious woman at the given time frame, Joochan seeks hope that Bomin would find the true suspect if Sungyoon found the wrong one.

Dabok Villa, Burim-dong
Building Five

Sungyoon runs ahead of Jangjun who huffs in annoyance, knowing best that no one can be any faster than Sungyoon. As the officers climb up the building, Officer Han announces the profile of Hwang Ji-suk.

“Hwang Ji-suk is a 40-year old divorcee living with her eight year old son. She was reported for child abuse before and according to the Residential Association, she is serving her probation right now.”

“Eight-year old?” Youngtaek exclaims loudly, who is running behind Donghyun and Jangjun. “Chief Hong said it’s a seven year old.”

Jangjun huffs in tiredness, climbing another staircase. “The kid’s probably confused.”

The four officers finally reach the fifth level, Donghyun being the first to point at the unit number of the designated door. Youngtaek and Jangjun are about to charge in but Sungyoon holds them back.

“Yah, the mother is about to find the child,” Jangjun speaks angrily but softly.

Donghyun wants to follow up after Jangjun but Sungyoon seems serious about stalling the two officers.

Youngtaek steps forward. “If you’re not ready for this, let us do it instead.”

“What the hell is wrong with the two of you?” Sungyoon spits at them. “Go back to your own station.”

“But Chief Daeyeol,” Youngtaek utters carelessly and looks away. “Look, we settle what’s between us later. That child needs to be saved now.”

Sungyoon is about to question them more when the radio interrupts them.

“Detective Sungyoon, what’s going on there?” Chief Hong demands an answer.

Still fixing his fierce eyes on the two intruders, Sungyoon answers the radio. “We are outside the unit but we have some additional help here. Did you send them?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about but I felt something is not right about that unit.”

Sungyoon sighs, irritated by the fact that Joochan does not seem interested about Daeyeol was trying to do.

A sudden series of yelling belonging to a woman bursts behind the door of the unit. The four officers glare at the door of Unit 5-104. Sungyoon is bothered by what Joochan says while Jangjun is getting impatient.

“Move aside!” Jangjun loses his cool, shoving Sungyoon to the side.

Sungyoon manages to tug him back but Jangjun is not giving in. The door is busted open, Sungyoon and Jangjun stumbling in competitively to be in the front.

The yelling stops immediately. Jangjun and Sungyoon look down at the woman whose hands are holding on a boy against the table. Her hand is pressing behind the boy’s back while the other hand is spanking on the boy’s bosom.

Apparently the boy is not injured as Aram is supposed to be. He appears like any ordinary boy who rebels against his mother for not eating his vegetables.

“Damn it!” Jangjun cusses as soon as Youngtaek and Donghyun enter.

Donghyun huffs and dials the radio. “False alarm! The Unit 5-104 is false alarm!”

To be continued…


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