Call Eight

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Sungun Police Headquarters


A white van swoops in front of the Sungun Police Headquarters. The first one to alight is Sergeant Jangjun, infamous for his cheerful vibe but at that moment, he jumps off his seat hastily and storms out of the van with a dark cloud over his head.

Youngtaek follows behind, furiously ruffling his already unkempt hair. “How the hell did we get the wrong guy again?! Arghh, jinjja! This is bloody frustrating!”

Jangjun spins on his heels and he is about to spill his overflowing anger towards Youngtaek when a patrol car drives in, its blue and red lights flashing around the carpark.

The two young detectives stand together and watch Sungyoon climbing out of his seat. Jangjun and Youngtaek would have congratulated him if he solved a different case.

But they could not withstand the embarrassment, knowing a demoted patrol officer caught the guy they both were hunting for months.

Sungyoon passes them without a glance, while Jangjun snorts, taking the senior’s silence as arrogance. Youngtaek sighes and pats on Jangjun’s shoulder.

“It was not easy for him anyway,” Youngtaek grinds his teeth, forcing a smile. “That place was where she was found dead.”

Jangjun looks at Youngtaek who tries to rationalise Sungyoon’s behaviour.

“Whatever, that hammer lunatic is mine! I’ll do the talking,” Jangjun demands the position to lead the interrogation of the Gojeong murders' suspect, already planning to give more than a piece of his mind.

With that, Jangjun marches away, his knuckles crackling and his eyes burning like fire. Youngtaek follows behind like any partner would. Suddenly, his phone vibrates and he looks at the screen, cringing to see their Chief’s name.

Reluctantly, Youngtaek answers. “We are back, if that is what you wanted to know.”

“Keep an eye on Sungyoon.”

“What?” Youngtaek crooks a brow, eyes searching for the hint of the said man. “Wae? Why?”

“There is something fishy going on between him and the new Call Centre Manager. Update me once he reaches back.”

The line goes dead without Youngtaek’s response. Slipping the phone into his pants’ pocket, Youngtaek stretches his neck to the side, taking one more look at the two men walking ahead of him.

It is either he follows Jangjun and prepares a hot herbal tea to calm his partner down or he stalks the ticking bomb named Sungyoon.

Youngtaek smirks, followed by a sigh. “Guess Jangjun has to make his own tea.”

Quietly, Youngtaek hurries on his steps and tails Sungyoon into the corridors of level two where it will lead them to the Call Centre lobby.

“Wah! What a hero! Saving a girl from a serial killer, aigoo! You haven’t lost your touch!”

Donghyun appears out of nowhere, side-hugging his favourite hyung. Sungyoon does not seem excited at all. Youngtaek stops in a distance and hides by the corner, standing close enough to hear their conversation.

“What’s wrong?” Donghyun begins to worry, noticing the stiffened expression on the older one. “Are you hurt or something?”

“Yah, Donghyun-ah.”

The patrol officer points towards the other end of the hallway, causing Youngtaek to flinch and hide himself fully.

Did Sungyoon notice him already? Jinjja, this man is scary. Youngtaek bites his lip.

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