Call Seven

135 18 4

Names of places in the story

Sungun Police Station – Current headquarters/current Emergency Call Centre

Seogu Police Station – Sungyoon’s patrol division which is smaller rhan Sungun and the station he was demoted to

Eunhyeong-dong – location where Jihye was murdered & current kidnapping case

Gojeong-dong – location of a murder case Youngtaek and Jangjun are working on

Gwangju Police Station – the centre Joochan was transferred and met Seungmin


Sungun Police Agency
Emergency Call Centre

Three minutes since call

“Sergeant Choi Sungyoon from the Seogu Patrol Division will be dispatched from the Golden Time Team.”

Donghyun creases his forehead. “Golden Time Team? What the hell is that?”


Hearing an order from Chief Hong leaves Sungyoon's ears scalded. Sungyoon hisses and marches forward, pushing away the guards effortlessly. As he steps in fuming, the call manager does not budge at all. Only when Sungyoon is too close and the guards hurry in, Joochan raises his hand telling everyone that everything is alright.

“Yah, are you insane? Who the hell are you to order me around?” Sungyoon speaks coldly and darkly.

Joochan does not lift his eyes off the screen at all. The irritated officer hammers his fist in Joochan’s table multiple times.

“Can you hear me?”

Joochan sighs alittle and looks at Sungyoon in the eyes. “This is an emergency. If we don’t act in 10 minutes, the victim’s life is at risk.”

“So what?”

Sungyoon looks back at Joochan, not taking Joochan seriously.

Suddenly the voice of the abducted resonates in the room.

“Are you coming?... I am... I am scared. Please save me... Please let me live.”

Sungyoon swallows, his heart absorbing the sounds of desperation in the young girl’s voice. His own ears play Jihye’s last words, making him more urged to save the girl.

When Jihye called for help, Sungyoon was not there for her. Would Sungyoon ignore this girl’s call for help, just like how he did to Jihye?

Is he going to be selfish, sacrificing a girl’s life and continuing his harassment towards Hong Joochan?


Standing at the door, Donghyun heard Sungyoon. “Hyung, don’t tell me-”

“Fine, I’ll go. We’ll talk later,” Sungyoon nods at Joochan and turns away.

Chief Hong reclaims his chair and concentrates on the patrol officers who are responding to his order. Sungyoon walks down the corridor briskly, followed by Donghyun chasing after him.

Chief Daeyeol scoffs, eyeing on the patrol officer who obediently follows Joochan’s order. Chief Daeyeol excuses himself from the Commissioner and walks inside the Call Centre.

Joochan pretends to not see Daeyeol until the older man reaches his table.

“Sergeant Hong, since when did we have a Golden Time Team?” Daeyeol shoots him a rhetoric question. “The patrol division around the area should be enough. You cannot be employing all the divisions for a small case.”

“How sure are you that it is a small case?” Joochan responds in a calm posture.

“It could just be a pervert.”

“If he was just a pervert, he would not bring knives and keep her in an abandoned dusty place like that.”

“Yah,” Daeyeol exhales angrily. “You are seriously going to regret this. You are going to make a fool out of yourself.”

“We will see that after we save the victim.”

Joochan is emanating confidence despite Daeyeol’s attempt to provoke him. Seungmin who heard everything wishes he could just hide somewhere.



Donghyun manages to stop the older one by the arm. Sungyoon stands still, looking gazed.

“Aigoo, Hyung,” Donghyun lets out a miserable sigh. “You cannot listen to him just like that. Are you giving up that easily? I can’t believe you’re being easy on him-”

“That girl... She asked for help,” Sungyoon utters helplessly.

Sungyoon is about take a step away from Donghyun but Donghyun holds him tightly.

“Eunhyeong-dong! That is where Jihye died!”

Reminded of that fact, Sungyoon exhales loudly before speaking. “Donghyun-ah… That girl is begging for her life. We’ll talk later.”

Donghyun captures Sungyoon’s dazed expression. Nothing seems to wake him up from this unknown spell that Joochan has casted upon him. Sungyoon leaves Donghyun’s side without a word and walks briskly towards the stairs down, dialling his partner through the radio and getting the car ready.

Donghyun glares at Sungyoon’s back, having his own hands pinned on his hip. Donghyun knows better that when it comes to saving lives, Sungyoon will give his all. Donghyun has seen Sungyoon in too many dangerous situations that nothing scares him. Despite his strong belief in Sungyoon’s success in the mission, Donghyun is torn between following the senior and reprimanding the Call Manager for bossing his hyung around.

“I knew it,” Donghyun hisses. “He spells nothing but trouble.”

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