Jumping Out of Windows

Start from the beginning

Looking around the hallway for an escape, I smile as I spot the girls' toilets. I'm sure the knights wouldn't mind if I asked to go.

"Guila, Jericho," I caught both knights' attentions immediately, "I need to be excused."

I point to the door, a sheepish grin on my face. Hopefully I'd said it in a polite way. I was always taught to ask such things in a discreet but still polite way. In fact it was one of the first things I was taught as a princess.

"Ok, we'll stand watch outside," Jericho huffed, "We don't want you wandering off and getting lost again."

"Thank you," I flash the knights a grateful smile, making them return it.

I then head into the toilet, leaning on a sink and sighing as I finally have head space to think. No-one was there to influence my thoughts, let alone ask what I was thinking about. In fact I was pretty happy in the small room that reeked of cheap perfume and other aerosols, and floral soap. It was so quiet and peaceful - although a bit suffocating. A contrast to the busy and spontaneous days I'd had recently.

I look into one of the mirrors above the sinks and sigh. This week had definitely taken a toll on me. My usual bright and cheery face was dull and tired-looking, light circles below my eyes. My bangs had grown a little, giving me more of a preppy look with my hair tied back with a ribbon. Only one of my socks were on, as I'd forgotten the other again, and my flat shoes were mixed matched along with my tie being loosely secured and shirt crumpled.

I didn't recognise the reflection before me. The lack of sleep has certainly gotten to me, along with the pressure of being watched everywhere I went. Whether it was the Sins, the Holy Knights and Veronica, or even just one of the Society's spies, I never felt like I was truly alone. Or just allowed to have some privacy. I'm surprised no-one has barged into here already.

I reach a hand up gently brushing against my hair before fixing my shirt. A loud knock on the door interrupted me.

"Elizabeth," It was Guila, "Class is soon, you'd better hurry."

"Yep, almost done," I call as I turn on the tap and begin to 'wash my hands'.

I'd definitely took too long thinking and looking at my appearance. The last thing I want to do is alert the two knights and make them think they have to be in here with me. That would be a thousand times worse. 

Heading to the hand dryer, I begin to dry my hands when I hear a familiar voice from outside.

"Hey Elizabeth." 

I raised a brow, heading to the window.

"Meliodas?" I look down to the see the blonde grinning. I was around a floor up from ground level. "What are you doing out there?"

"Ditching," He answered simply, "Wanna come?"

I bit my lip, contemplating. As much as ditching is frowned upon, it's been a while since I've had time to not to be watched all the time. Plus classes were beginning to grow longer by the day, especially since I keep seeing this one guy with silvery hair watching me. It was really creepy. The way he just seemed to watch me and then disappear into the crowd. It constantly sent shivers down my spine. The thing is I never see him except for then.

"Sure, but how can I get out there?" I say looking over my shoulder to make sure the knights weren't coming.

"Jump," The blonde grinned, "Don't worry I'll catch you."

I rolled my eyes. I have no doubt that Meliodas would catch me, but the question was would it be wise to jump. 

I mean the Holy Knights already had a tight grasp on me already, if I ditched they might get even more watchful. They might even start to accompany me to the toilet. But I bet that's nothing compared to what they'd do to Meliodas. Both Guila and Jericho seemed to have a vendetta against him. Though I'm not one hundred percent sure why.

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