And I Thought I'd Survive it

Start from the beginning

I lie in my bed, almost midnight. Tears drench my blanket, blood drips onto my pillow cover. I didn't know she'd make things this bad. I replay it in my head. The loneliness and the meaninglessness had rushed me, I was unguarded and vulnerable, I had cut myself and she had made me watch myself bleed, I could feel her enjoyment the whole time. I savour the silence, the noise of the blood dripping, the numbness in my feet, if I didn't leave now, she'd torture me for the rest of my life, and no one would care. I sit up. You could've at least tried to go to sleep, you know, for laughs. I groan and step out of bed. I pull on my shoes and grab my backpack. Going somewhere, are we? I try not to think about where I'm going, I stop myself from thinking of anything that isn't my newfound hate for her. Someone should stop thinking such violent thoughts. I pull my window open and climb out, still not thinking about the destination, but reminding her about how much of a robotic witch she is. A robotic witch, that's so very creative. 

I walk down the dimly lit street looking for apartment D6. I walk up to the door. I take a deep breath and reach up to knock on the door. That's a stupid idea. "You don't even know who's on the other side of the door" I whisper spitefully. Oh, but I do. I feel her pleasure as I realise I haven't knocked yet. Dave Cormay, 26, brown hair, green eyes and, oh! He's an AI rebel, well isn't that something. I clench my fist and bang on the door. I stand there for a moment, alone with my thoughts. Wait. No. Not alone, she's still there. I shake my head as a man in a top and ripped jeans opens the door. "Hey? Kid?" He says, his voice soft and concerned. I look up and realise that she's making me smile like some maniac. "Um, are you ok?" He reaches for my shoulder, I pull his arm back and rap my hands around his neck. Isn't this fun. I look up at him, tears blocking my vision, "help". You're never going to learn, are you? I let go and fall to the ground crying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I repeat over and over again, sobbing. His face shows sympathy as he says, "it's okay, come on in" he says and grabs my hand to pull me up cautiously.

"Wow" he says processing everything, "so you're AI's gained independence?". I nod "yea". He nods as well, "so-". "Dummy" she makes me laugh. He completely dismisses that, knowing she made me say it. He's nice like that, he got used to it really quickly. Maybe you should kill your dad, become an orphan, then this charming idiot can be your dad. I laugh, I actually laugh at that, the stupidity of that, the utter nonsense. "I can help you, but it will hurt, and you'll be a new person" he explains. I process this carefully, a new person. You, a new person, isn't there already one too many of you? That laugh, that cackle, I just can't take it. "Do it, fix me, change me, just get rid of her" I say, sure of my decision. Rushing into this a bit, don't you think? "Ok" he says, "come with me". We walk into a dark room with a seemingly uncomfortable chair. "Do I sit there?" I ask dumbly. "Yea" he says and walks out of the room to get something. I sit down and wait. If this is the last time I talk to you, well... it won't be, trust me. I'm indestructible. He walks back in holding some kind of knife. I sink into the chair and turn pale. He laughs quietly, "it's ok kid, the knife is the part that hurts the least". That's just great. Come on, be positive, in the afterlife you'll be the only one who trusted their life with a stranger with a knife who claimed they were going to get rid of your AI, how very unique that is. I take a deep breath and look up to see him walking towards me with the knife. "It'll be ok, I did this to myself, and look, I'm fine" he says nicely and smiles reassuringly. I nod and close my eyes. You know what's nice about this, I don't feel your pain, now isn't that something. I feel her grin as I plummet into nothing but pain.

Pain. That's what has enveloped me, what's given me meaning for the past hours, sorrow and suffering. I couldn't hear anything anymore, I couldn't even hear her. All she said was mumbles, it was nice. I could feel sparks of electricity and jabs of needles and numbness, all bundled into one, terrifying, foreign experience. Too scared to open my eyes, too scared to move. I say something, I think I asked how much longer this will take. "Done", I hear loud and clearly which makes me jump and fall out of my seat. I sit there, on the ground, waiting for a rude remark or a snarky insult. I grin widely and push myself up to give him the tightest hug ever, "thank you".

He explains everything, possible side effects, the fact that my emotions might intensify, but I don't care about any of that, I'm free. I grab my backpack and walk out the door. I walk onto the street, free, actually alone with my thoughts. I look back and smile. His face looks concerned, he's frowning, why? I feel dizzy, I lose control of my limbs. I fall to the ground and he runs out onto the street. My mouth is dry, my throat is sore. I feel him try to keep me stable but I can't stand. Guess who never actually left? I grimace, I hate you. The world blurs. "No, don't. Just hold on, I'll get you help" he says, worried. "It's ok" I croak, "this isn't your fault". I see his blurry head shake, "no, please, help is coming". "No, it isn't, you just met me and you're the only one who cares about me, no one's coming". "I'm sorry, it must've been luck when I disabled my AI, I'm so sorry". I smile sadly, "if anyone cares enough to look through my AI to find out how I died, I want it to be clear. I, Charlie Parker was not tortured by this man, nor killed, he found me lying in the street and tried to help. My cause of death was not natural, in fact, my AI willingly killed me". That silence, she doesn't have a comeback, in my final seconds, I've beaten her. Now that's something. 

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