Once she got closer to the exit, Phoebe rushed to her side, sweeping the girl off her feet and carrying her out of the cave, down towards the Hunter's camp. "Oh, Phoebe," Aza teased the ginger, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. "You sweep me off my feet every time." The Hunter chuckled and tightened her embrace on the girl slightly, rolling her green eyes.

"And I'll do it for the rest of my life," Phoebe teased, giving the girl a grin and looking back quickly, checking that Gleeson was still following with Piper. "Or, well, the rest of your life. Unless, of course, you've reconsidered..." The Hunter let the question linger in the air, glancing down hopefully at Aza. When Aza stared back up at her, russet piercing green, Phoebe knew she had her answer, and she sighed heavily. "One day, Aza-Everett," she promised. "you will. Our Lady keeps her eye on you, you know. Besides, I'd love to travel the world with you at my side."

It was Aza's turn to roll her eyes, but suddenly she felt her cheeks flush, and Aza's mind reared in panic, instantly shutting down. Aza slumped in Phoebe's arms, feeling the girl adjust to better support her weight, and stared into the storm.

Phoebe walked quickly, with Gleeson having to half-run behind her, and the four arrived at Phoebe's tent quicker than Aza thought. Phoebe shuffled past the curtain, ducking so it wouldn't hit Aza. She layed Aza down on the plethora of animal pelts that cushioned the floor of the tent, motioning for Gleeson to do the same with Piper.

The tent was larger than it appeared from the outside, and was warmer than Aza could've hoped for. There was a roaring fireplace on the left wall of the tent. A small kitchen occupied a corner of the tent, and Phoebe's bed and belongings covered the rest of the space - mostly items for nature magic.

She gave each girl a once-over, grimacing as she tried to scour Aza's body for wounds, a task made nearly impossible by the sheen of blood that covered the girl completely. "A river," Aza loved that Phoebe always mumbled when she examined her patients (Aza had been a quite frequent one whenever the Hunters and demigods happened to find each other). "But no river - towel, yes - then mushrooms and lavender, and," Phoebe shuffled to Piper, leaning close and sniffing the daughter of Aphrodite, her nose crinkling in distaste. "Mushrooms and gatorade - satyr," Phoebe turned to Gleeson, her voice raising to address him.

"You, satyr, what did you give this poor girl."

"Oh, eh, Piper?" Gleeson shuffled, like he knew Phoebe was about to school him in nature healing magic. "A little thing my daddy goat taught me - gatorade and mushrooms." Phoebe sniffed distastefully and nodded, her head, murmuring quietly under her breath. She walked to a shelf above the fireplace and rifled through the jars that lined it, murmuring all-the-while. Finally, she selected a small russet jar and returned to the group, handing the jar to Gleeson.

"Satyr, can you handle attending to this poor girl with this salve, and this salve only, whilst I attend to Aza-Everett."

Gleeson nodded, giving a thumbs up. "Totally, cupcake." Phoebe gave him an odd look and retreated, kneeling down beside Aza.

"We'll have to clean you, obviously a river would be best, but given your hypothermia - give me a moment." She retreated to the kitchen and retrieved a hand-towel. She took a small, pre-heated kettle off the stove and poured it over the towel. It didn't steam, so Aza assumed it wasn't uncomfortably hot. The rest she poured into a small mug, adding a small homemade tea bag, and some milk (from the mini-fridge) and sugar.

Phoebe knelt beside her, handing Aza the mug. She began to clean Aza's arm, supporting Aza's wrist with one hand and holding the towel in the other. The blood-flow had thankfully slowed, due to Aza's demigod healing, and only trickled from the gashes now. Phoebe switched to the other arm, glancing at Aza's still blood-covered face. She switched to cleaning Aza's face, keeping her fingers under Aza's chin to keep it still.

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