Chapter 7

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Author's Note:

They're getting ready for the Masquerade! Yeah! :D I don't know how to put the pictures of their dresses in the description box, I hope somebody will help me! Please! Anyhow, these are the links of the dresses and I'm sorry for not describing the dresses good.  I suck at that! :(

 Have fun reading!

And please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, pretty please comment! And also, please could someone give me a book they're writing! Been dying to read new books!!!

The Links:

Taylor's dress:,r:6,s:55&tx=59&ty=55

Elena's dress:

Just scroll down a little and you'll see the dress! I love it! :D

Chapter 7

I took my shower and then got dressed for school. I was wearing a light blue skinny jeans with a pink blouse, that had white little flowers on it. I brushed my teeth and decided to skip breakfast. I wasn’t feeling so hungry, due to my dream. I had a mission for today: Finding my tutor for Gym. I smiled at the thought, because I of course would be the only girl that would need a tutor for Gym. I am just not in shape, but hopefully my tutor will help me. I walk to my car and drive to school.

When I arrive at the parking lot, I see I’m early, so I go to my locker and quickly grab my books. I have English in a few minutes. I hate English a lot. I know hate is a strong word and I am often told that you shouldn’t say you hate something or someone, but trust me, I actually hate English, due to that teacher. Giving me detention, who would do that? I huffed angrily at myself and then made my way to my counselor.

 When I get there I knock three times and then walk in. I see my counselor sitting and quickly tell her my problem. I then ask her if she can find me someone to tutor me. Of course she agrees and she tells me that she’ll have somebody by the end of the week. She has to help me, why else would she be a counselor? I thank her and leave.

I start walking to English class. Unfortunately, I’m still early as in I’m the only one there, except for the teacher. I mumble a good morning to him and then walk to my seat. He doesn’t say anything back, as impolite as he always is and I start doodling on a piece of paper. When the bell rings, I see Taylor and she sits next to me. I can already tell by her big smile that she has something to say to me.

When she sits down, I ask: ‘What’s up?’

‘You are gonna love it. It’s so beautiful! I can’t wait for you to come over!’ she exclaims.

‘What are you talking about?’ I ask her.

‘About the dresses, of course! They are amazing. So when are you coming over?’ she asks me.

‘I don’t know, tomorrow? Around six?’ I ask her.

‘Silly, the Masquerade is today!’ she tells me.

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