Chapter 5

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Author's Note:

Hey all my readers!!! Thank you so much for reading, I've got about more than a hundred reads, this has made my complete week!!! By the way, if any of you are writing books, would you mind telling me? I've been dying to read some new books on Wattpad!! Again, thank you very much!!! You guys are the best!!!

Chapter 5

That stupid jerk! I can't believe him! Can't he just answer one, just one question, normal! Why does he have to be so mysterious? I shot him a glare, which he returned with a smirk and then I looked at my Math. This wasn't a hard chapter, but I still had to do my homework. I was working really well and I almost had my homework finished, when I felt my phone vibrating.

That's weird, I thought. Since when do I get text-messages during school? I looked at my phone and saw it was from Taylor. What did she want now? I asked myself, hoping she wouldn't keep asking me about the whole 'Ken thing'. Just thinking about him made me stiffen. I read her text, which contained the following:

Hey El,

I'm really sorry about before. It was really stupid and inconsiderate of pushing you. I'm the worst friend ever & I feel just as worse! Please, forgive me??? You're my bestest friend in the whole wide world and I don't wanna lose you!!!


I can't believe she's still worrying about that. She knows I can never stay mad at her for long. I smiled to myself, picturing her right now. She probably wasn't paying attention to the teacher at all, she just kept worrying about something stupid like this. She was also with J. Something about J. is off, he's acting too smooth. I think it's because he's a player and I absolutely hate players. My female instincts and my Criminal Minds instincts tell me something isn't right with that guy. You're probably thinking: What could be wrong with him? Well,, plenty! He could be a molester/rapist/murderer/serial killer or he could have OCD or a split personality. Oh my gosh, Taylor's with a wackjob! Wait, I can't come to conclusions this fast. Time will tell what he is. I'll have to warn Taylor, but I doubt she'll listen. She always tells me I'm too paranoid and I go overboard with my theories. Like a girl can be too paranoid! Wait, I had to text Taylor back! I can't believe I'm drifting off again! I quickly replied, saying:

It's okay, hun! & ur still my bestest friend!!!

Btw, don't B 2 close with J!

Love ya!

xXx El

I was about to slide my phone into the pocket of my skinny jeans, when I suddenly heard the teacher's angry voice.

'Well, well, well, I spy with  my own little eye, a phone! Hand it over, Elena!'

'Me?' I asked innocent.

'Yes, you, now don't play innocent with me, young lady. I do not approve of texting or emailing or whatever it is you young kids do nowadays with your mobile phones. Now, hand it over!' he said.

I walked to the teacher and handed him my phone, with a sour look on my face. Great, I thought. When a teacher takes your phone, you get in back in three days. Three whole days without  my phone. Life just couldn't get any better.

When I walked back to my seat, I saw Joshua laughing.

' Great going, I've never seen anyone text so obvious. You're probably new at it, huh?' he grinned at me.

 I just gave him the best evil eye I could and started doing my homework again. What else could I do, since this stupid jerk kept making fun of me?

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