Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to My Mom (She's My Inspiration)

Chapter 4

Very Short Recap:

I then looked back at the guy approaching us and when he neared us, my mouth fell open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. J. was...

Incredibly handsome! He looked like he had just come from a photo shoot. Of course, he wasn't as amazing as 'the jerk' had been, but he was GOOD to look at! I'll describe him from head to toe:

He was wearing a light blue jeans with a red shirt with white stripes on it, which matched his sneakers perfectly, since they were brilliant white with red on it. He was tanned and you could tell from by looking at his muscled arms.

He had blond, short, straight hair and he had an 'out of bed look' going on. It looked great on him. He had very blue eyes, like I was staring into a beautiful ocean. They were very deep and it were eyes that you could gaze into forever. He had a beautiful, crooked smile, with of course the  perfect white teeth. His smile was, in a weird way, seducing. He looked to me like the kind of guy that was always laughing and smiling. His smile made the picture complete.

He sat across us and then put down his lunch tray. He had a salad on it with an energy drink. This guy was definitely looking out for his body, which was by the way very buff. When he was moving, you could see his abs against his shirt very well.  

'Hey Tay, who's your friend?'

Tay? He's already calling her Tay? This is very, very interesting. Wait, he can't ask me himself? Geez, guys are really not interested in me!

'Hey J! I'm so glad you came!' she said happily.

That was too happy for me. I don't like him, he's too smooth for me. But what do I know? I'm a bit paranoid, so I don't trust easily. Who can blame me? After what I've been through that night, I'm surprised I can even talk to guys!

'This is my best friend, Elena!' she said in excitement.

She shouldn't be so excited, it's just me.

He then looked at me with a studying look and before it totally creeped me out, he said in a very soothing, somewhat maybe flirty voice: 'Hey, I'm J.'

'Wow, that rhymes!' I told him.

Geez, am I stupid or what. I can't even have a normal conversation with a totally cute guy before saying something very idiotic.

 Not knowing what to say, I asked: 'So, is your name really J, or is short for something?' I said sarcastically.

Great move, if it's his real name, I'm screwed!

He looked at me with a weird face, probably because of my first comment and said: 'No, my name is Jake, but I think it's dorky, so I introduce myself as J. It makes me mysterious,' he said with a smile.

I smiled back at him, grateful for the fact J. wasn't his real name and then realized  I didn't know how to continue. Seriously, I need to take lessons for this. Why can't I have a conversation with a guy?

I just kept on smiling, until thankfully, Taylor, my angel sent from above, said: 'So what's your schedule for the rest of the day?'

'Oh, I have, eh, he said, while grabbing his schedule from his bag, P.E. after lunch and then I have Art.

'Cool, I have the same classes. I'll show you around,' Taylor told him.

'How about you?' he asked me.

'I don't take Art and I have P.E. on another day. I only have a few classes with Taylor,' I said.

The bell than rang and I stood up, gathering my books and grabbing my bag, making my way to Math. I'm in advanced Math and unfortunately Taylor isn't, so we don't have this class together. Most people don't want to be in Advanced Math, because it's for geeks, so it's just me and the Chess club. Whoop-dee-doo!  

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