“Shane, do you take Zachary whom you hold by the hand to be your lawfully wedded husband, covenanting to be true to him, to love, cherish, and honor him, in sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, until death do you part?”

I pulled the string of my detachable skirt and was about to say, no I don’t, when a loud baritone voice broke the silence of the old church.

“Stop the wedding!”

All heads turned automatically to where the voice came from including mine.

And there he is, standing beautifully on the center isle wearing a white tux. If my soon-to-be husband looks like a Greek god on his tux, this man who’s looking at me as if I’m the most beautiful woman in the world looks million times better. I’m really lost for words.

He’s really here. I can’t believe it.

I dropped the detachable skirt of my wedding gown and ran fast to him. I never looked to either side, just straight where he’s standing waiting for me. We’re not breaking eye contact just like in movie but not in slow motion. We don’t need that, we need to run fast.

The moment I’m beside him, he smiled at me and he held my hand and we run fast together. It feels good. No. It feels perfect.

I feel safe. I feel free.

Strangely with this strange man who’s totally a stranger to me.


Chev’s POV

I checked the address ten times already and I even asked some local if I’m in the right place. I don’t want to make the same mistake in a day.

No. I don’t want to make such mistake ever again. That’s humiliating and that’s not so me.

Actually, this whole thing is not so me. But I need to do this. I promised her. It’s a payment for a big humiliation I brought upon her. After this, we will be even.

After checking again one last time if I’m in right church this time, I entered the church not hastily but with my easy steps. No one paid me attention as everyone was focused on the bride and groom in front of the priest who’s about to make their wedding vows. When I’m in the middle of the isle, I sat first on the nearest available chair and took my time.

She looked stunning on her wedding dress, I can tell even if her back was facing me. I got a glimpse of her hands, one was tightly gripping her laced gown and the other was pulling something on her side. She’s really going to run even without my help.

When it’s her turn to make her vow, I hastily stood up on the center isle.

“Stop the wedding!” My voice echoed in every corner of the old church.

All heads turned in my direction just like minutes ago when I shouted those very same words – in a wrong church.

The Bargain with the Billionaireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें