chapter 2 - meet the family - 2

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chapter 2 - meet the family - 2


Christian's POV

Thankfully, Grace wasn't in the kitchen, and I led Ana to the breakfast bar. The only downside was that now she could pop up at any time.

"You can put your stuff down here. Do you want anything to drink?" I asked, playing the perfect host.

"Just water," she replied.

I grabbed two glass bottles of Voss water from the fridge and handed one to her.

We both sat down, and Ana took out her math homework.

"What do you need help with," I asked.

She ended up asking me a throng of questions and I skillfully answered each and every one of them. After her questions, Ana began doing her homework.

A few minutes later my mom walked in. She looked surprised that my friend was actually real, and wasn't something I was making up.

"Hello, dear," my mom piped in, "Who's this?"

That caused Ana to turn her head up from her homework.

My mom walked towards us, and Ana got up to greet her.

"I'm Anastasia. It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Grey," she said and held out her hand.

My mom completely disregarded the handshake and went right in for the hug in typical Grace Grey fashion. Embarrassment #1 already committed within the first few seconds of meeting her. Be cool, Mom!

"Please call me Grace," she told Ana.

"Then it's lovely to meet you Grace," Ana corrected herself.

"You too, Anastasia," my mom replied, "Christian's never brought any of his friends over before. Forgive me if I got a little excited."

Okay, now I just wanted to hide. "Mom," I groaned, "that's enough."


Ana's POV

When Christian's mom popped up in the kitchen, I was terribly nervous. Act normal Ana. His parents needed to like you.

When I went to give Christian's mom a handshake, she gave me a hug instead. That eased my nerves a little. She also told me to call her Grace instead of Mrs. Grey, so that helped with the nerves also.

She mentioned something about Christian never having friends over, and I heard him groan in the background. Although, I wasn't surprised to hear that about Christian. From what I observed about him in a few short days was that he didn't easily open up to people, and he liked to keep to himself. It seemed that the only exception to that was with me. Hmm, something to think about.

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