chapter 1 - the first day - 3

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chapter 1 - the first day - 3


Christian's POV

When I walked into the office, an amiable middle-aged woman greeted me. She perked up at my entrance and said, "You must be Christian Grey. We're so excited to have you this year. I'm Ms. Ross; it's so nice to meet you."

Yeah, you were excited that my parents donated a shit ton of money.

I responded, "Hello Ms. Ross. It's nice to meet you too. I was told I needed to pick up my schedule here."

"Yes, of course. I have that for you right here," she said while handing me a folder, "Your schedule is in there along with our dress code and other school policies. There's also a schedule for the athletic tryouts this week if you were interested in joining a sports team. A student volunteered to show you around the campus for the first few days. You guys have the same schedule. She should be here any minute. You can take a seat while you wait."

I smiled at her, took a seat on the leather couch, and fiddled with my phone. A couple of minutes went by before someone popped through the door. She was about 5'8'' with a very slim figure. She had thick, long mahogany hair, and her legs seemed to go on for days. She was wearing a fitted white blouse and a plaid skirt. She was also wearing Gucci heels along with a matching headband. Christ, Mia! She's got me all knowledgeable about women's fashion from just listening to her at the dinner table drone on and on about the latest designers.

But back to this girl... Her body was fucking perfect. Her little perky tits were just the right size. They would fit perfectly in my hands. FUCK GREY! Get your head out of the fucking gutter. A girl that looked like that would never go for you.

"Hi Ms. Ross," the girl exclaimed, "How was your summer?" Ms. Ross jumped out from behind her desk to hug the girl.

"Anastasia, it's so lovely to see you. My summer was anything but relaxing. You know how energetic and crazy my kids are. I barely got a break in. What about you?" Ms. Ross asked.

"Summer was amazing," she replied. Damn, that girl had the voice of an angel. And her name was Anastasia. Quite a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Fuck, I haven't even seen her face yet. Calm your dick down Grey!

Anastasia continued, "I spent some time with my father in DC and then it was off to Europe with Kate."

"That sounds lovely," Ms. Ross replied. "Oh, I have the new student here." She motioned to me, and I got up from the couch.

Anastasia turned around to look at me and DOUBLE FUCK! A gorgeous pair of brown doe eyes and rosy pouty lips hit me. "Anastasia, this is Christian Grey. Christian this is Anastasia Steele. She'll be showing you around."

She extended her hand out to me, but I was too busy staring at her. Fuck snap out of it! It took an awkward moment for me to extend my hand out to her. Fuck, even her hands were dainty and perfectly manicured.

"Hi Christian, it's so nice to meet you," she said.

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