chapter 1 - the first day - 5

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chapter 1 - the first day - 5


Christian's POV

I couldn't believe Anastasia asked me to get food with her. That meant she actually wanted to spend time with me. Or was she just being nice because I was a new student and she felt bad for me? Whatever the reason, I was excited to spend more time with her.

When we got to the restaurant, there weren't that many people there. It was 3:45 on a Monday after all.

I opened the door for Ana and told the hostess, "For two."

She led us to a booth, and we both sat down. The hostess gave us the menus and told us our server would be with us soon.

"I'm so getting a milkshake," Ana remarked. God, she's so adorable.

When our server came, we both ordered a cheeseburger with fries, a chocolate milkshake for me and a vanilla one for her.

Ana said something to me, but I was distracted by my phone ringing. I checked the caller ID and, crap, it was my mother. I forgot to tell her I was going out. She must have been wondering where I was.

"Do you mind if I take this?" I asked her. "It's my mom."

"Go ahead," she said.

"Hey, mom! What's up?"

"Where are you, sweetie?"

"I went out to lunch with a new friend."

Grace gasped at the mention of a new friend. "That's so great sweetie. I'm glad you're making friends."

"Okay mom," I said before she could gush more about me finally making a friend. "I'll be home in an hour or so."

"Have a nice time darling, love you."

"You too mom," I said before hanging up the phone.

"Sorry," I apologized to Ana, "My mom's very nosy."

She smiled at me and commented, "I think it's cute your mom's so concerned about you."

"Tell me about your family," I declared.

"My dad's working for the president in Washington D.C. right now, and my mom lives in Georgia with her husband," Ana responded.

She looked a bit upset at the mention of her mother. Probably best not to press it any further.

"So you're living all alone?" I asked.

young in loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora