chapter 2 - meet the family - 1

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chapter 2 - meet the family - 1


Ana's POV

I was sitting in math class, thoroughly confused with today's notes. I was probably going to have to meet with Mr. Warner later. I really needed to do well on the upcoming test.

I looked at Christian sitting next to me. He had his notebook open doodling instead of taking notes. I wished I could skate through school like him.

I ripped out a piece of paper and wrote, "Nice notes :p," and passed the note to him.

He grinned, wrote something down, and passed it to me. "You should take some real notes instead of all those numbers."

I wrote down the indefinite integral Mr. Warner tasked us with solving and handed it to him. I had no idea how to solve the problem and assumed Christian didn't either because he never paid attention in class.

Again, he smiled at me and subsequently began to write the solution. I furrowed my brows when he handed me back the paper with the right answer circled at the bottom. I was completely baffled. He was really smart!

"You need to be my math tutor," I whispered to him.

He softly chuckled and I added, "I'm being serious Christian. How the hell do you know how to do this?"

Before Christian could answer, Mr. Warner dismissed the class. Everyone rushed out of class, and I started walking with Christian to our next class.

"I'm good with numbers," he said to me.

"Obviously," I snarked, "I, on the other hand, am on the struggle bus."

He laughed at my expression and said, "I can help you anytime you want."

"I'm going to have to take you up on that offer," I replied as we walked into our next class.


Christian's POV

It was the end of the school day, and I was contemplating asking Ana if she wanted to come to my house, so I could help her with math. I really wanted to spend more time with her, but I was too nervous to outright tell her that.

My inner demons were screaming at me, telling me not to get Ana involved with my dark shit. But I somehow couldn't let go of the feeling in my heart that told me to go for it. I know it sounded crazy, but she brought out a different, lighter side of me just from the few short days I'd known her.

When we got out of our last class, I asked her, "If you're free today, I can help you with math at my house. Or your house."

She responded, "Oh, that's perfect. I don't have cheer practice today. You live in Bellevue, right?"

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