79. Two Party System

Start from the beginning

He cocks his head slightly.

"Men are threatened by women like me. And I do not mean to be arrogant at all. It took me a long time to realize that truth. And with that truth comes this other one: I'm very often left out of these sorts of affairs."

"I'm on the outside, simply watching it go on," she sighs, picking up her quill once again.

Jefferson remains silent for a long while before sighing.

"I hope you do know that I trust you, Y/N," he tells her. "Possibly more than half the members of my party. They only have partisan loyalties, not..."

Y/N cocks an eyebrow, a slight smile on her lips.

Jefferson looks away from her, slightly flushed, "... not a claim of friendship."

"Friendship?" she asks.

"I don't mean to overstep, of course," he quickly says.

She laughs, leaning forward to rest a hand on his arm, "You could never, Thomas."

At the sound of his name, the corners of his lips curl up and he gives her a genuine smile.

She pulls away when another knock sounds.

"Come in," she calls, and the door is pushed open.

Alexander stands in the doorway, seemingly about to walk in before Jefferson's blue-hazel eyes meet Hamilton's violet-blue ones.

They stand off for a moment before Y/N cocks an eyebrow, "Boys, this isn't the time nor place to show off that masculinity you two seem to think is in danger."

Alexander scoffs, "I only came to inform you that His Excellency is requesting your presence, Secretary Washington."

"Old habits, Secretary Hamilton? Don't you know that the war is long over and you are no longer some desk-bound colonel? Washington's title is no longer 'His Excellency,'" Jefferson sneers.

Alexander scoffs, "Last I recall, Mr. Jefferson, my being... desk-bound may have cost me the opportunity to win glory in battle in several occasions, but at least I served my country with honor. Meanwhile, you, like the rest of Congress, sat worthless at your desks while we busied ourselves in matters which you would not bother to attend to."

"Enough, you two," Y/N pinches the bridge of her nose.

"You're one uncouth, corrupt, and shameless bastard, Mr. Hamilton-"

"Thomas!" Y/N gasps.

"At least I'm no hypocritical, immoral, and bloody privileged excuse for a man," Hamilton snaps. "I may be ambitious. And you and your party may think it dangerous. But at least I get my hands dirty. I don't sit on the sidelines and manipulate strings like some... shady aristocrat."

"Alexander!" Y/N once again attempts to interrupt their argument.

"That's hilarious, coming from the monarchist," Jefferson stands, towering over the much smaller Hamilton.

By now, Randolph, Madison, Mr. Lear, and a few other Congressmen were out in the hall.

"What are you lot staring at?" Y/N snaps. "Can't you see that it only encourages them further?"

The handful of Congressmen quickly disperse, leaving just Randolph, Madison, and Lear.

Y/N sits back, coffee in hand as the two bitter rivals argue.

"Are you not going to stop them?" Lear asks her.

"No. They're grown men, Mr. Lear. My children act far better than these two," she scoffs. "... And the eldest is eleven."

My Darling Flower [Alexander Hamilton x Female Reader] (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now