70. Best Left Unsaid

543 20 78

May 7, 1789

Y/N wipes her hands on her dress. She finally finished hanging the clothes to dry.

She was finishing the chores early so she and Alexander could join her father as his inaugural ball.

"The children are fed, ma'am. They're playing out front."

She looks up to see Kitty. She was an enslaved woman, about Y/N's age that her parents had gifted to her to help her manage the household.

She nods quietly, "Colonel Hamilton and I will be attending President Washington's ball this evening."

"I'll lay out your dress, Mrs. Hamilton," she nods.

"Good," Y/N murmurs before heading inside.

She still had to clean up the house before she could even begin getting ready.

"I heard someone call Grandpappa 'King Washington,'" Y/N hears Jacky whisper to the two younger children.

She glances at them, listening as Fanny tells him that he isn't a king.

Y/N smiles as she argues her point. All three of the children seemed to have Alexander's wit and have taken after his need to prove his arguments.

She walks over to them, standing over her son and ruffling Fanny's hair, "Very well done, Fan."

"Is it true, Auntie?" Franklin asks.

"No. Not at all. We made sure of it in the Philadelphia Convention. We made sure of it when this new government was created. Your grandfather cannot become a king and will never be one," she assures them.

"Still," Jacky reaches for a cookie from the ones set in front of him, "it would be nice to be a prince."

Y/N hums, "You'd find that princes must work as well, Jack. After all, an heir to the throne must be well prepared in all aspects of government. That includes reading the books given to you for schooling."

Her 7-year-old makes a face, crunching up his tiny little nose and frowning slightly.

She chuckles and bends down to place a kiss on the tops of all their heads.

"Very well. Your Pappa - and uncle," she eyes Franklin, "and I will be attending your grandfather's ball in a few hours. You all will be taken care of by Kitty. She will put you to bed by 9."

"Can we not go with you, Mamma?" Jacky whines.

"I'm afraid not, my darling son," they hear, turning to the front door.

Alexander hangs his tricorn hat and black coat by the door, smiling at his young family.

"It will be far too dull for you three to attend. No other children will be there. Besides, your grandpappa is hosting the ball in celebration of his inauguration. That means that it's business," he explains, walking up to them and placing a kiss on his wife's cheek.

"Now, go on and play," Y/N tells them. "You three will be staying inside while we are out."

The three children scurry out the front door and Y/N calls out after them, "Not too far away! Jack keep an eye on the little ones!"

Alexander chuckles before turning back to Y/N and sweeping her off her feet. He holds her bridal style, kissing her happily.

Y/N giggles, pulling away and asking, "What's got you so happy?"

"What? Can I not be happy after a long year's work? Well, technically two, I suppose."

She leans in and pecks his lips, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Fine. I'll admit. You did very well."

My Darling Flower [Alexander Hamilton x Female Reader] (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now