61. The Siege of Yorktown, V

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"Come help me...!" Y/N ushers the doctor over.

A couple of men lift Jack since Y/N can't, and she calls George Augustine over.

Her cousin comes running and she quickly tells him, "Send for my father! Tell him Jack's collapsed...!"

Augustine stares at his unconscious step-cousin for a moment before nodding and hurrying off.

The pain in her shoulder hadn't subsided.

She must have opened her stitches.

Y/N scurries to her feet and follows the men taking her brother.

They lay him down in an empty bed in Jack's tent (though, she did have to pull the "General's stepson" card).

"You shouldn't be in here, General. Not in your state," the doctor doesn't look up, instead choosing to focus on Jack.

"I am perfectly well, doctor, thank you," she mutters, sitting down in a chair next to her brother's bed.

"How long has he been ill?"

"A couple of days. He came here briefly and told me he was getting better. Of course, I didn't believe it, but..." she sighs.

"He didn't want to go home."

A nurse rests a damp towel on Jack's forehead and the doctor looks up.

"And this rate, ma'am... there's not much else we can do here. At this point, he needs to go home, General. That's what will be best for his health," the doctor tells her.

"General... you're bleedin'," one of the men says.

"Leave it," Y/N waves him off.

The doctor finally looks up, "Bleeding?"

Y/N meets his eye before shaking her head, "My stitches popped when I caught Jack falling. I'm fine, Doctor, worry about him."

"I am. There's nothing more I can do. I've fresh water for him to drink and I'll bleed him when he's conscious. Are there any other symptoms you know your brother has, General?"

"Fever. Cramps. Chills," she holds up a finger for each before pausing to think.

"He's been sweating heavily and he's thinner. A lot thinner. He's malnourished. He hasn't been able to keep food down."

The doctor pulls away from Jack before going to grab his bag.

"You know just as well as I do what that sounds like, General," he dips his hands in a water basin to scrub the dirt off.

He dries his hands quickly before making his way to Y/N's side, "Sit."

"And remove your coat," he adds.

Y/N nods, quickly removing her blue coat and unbuttoning her waistcoat.

She glances up at the men that had helped carry Jacky.

"Scram. Stay outside. Call for me if you see His Excellency on his way."

They salute before heading out.

She removes her waistcoat, folding it and placing it on the bed on top of her coat.

Y/N sits down just as she removes her cravat.

The doctor uses a finger to hook the collar of her shirt and carefully pull it down to expose the stitches.

"This is going to hurt, General," he warns.

She nods once, moving her hair out of the way.

He removes the stitches carefully.

It surprisingly doesn't hurt as much as it did putting them in.

My Darling Flower [Alexander Hamilton x Female Reader] (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now