79. Two Party System

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A/N: So Tobias Lear was Washington's secretary from 1786 until his death (with periods of him not working for Washington throughout). He married his sweetheart Polly Long, and when she died, married George Augustine Washington's widow, Fanny Bassett (as in the Fanny we met after Yorktown during Jack's death). When she dies of TB a year later, she marries Fanny Dandridge Henley a few years later. Fanny Henley was Martha Washington's niece. He had some serious thing for the Washington family and the connected families lol

Also, there's no indication as to which party he belonged to. However, he did serve under Jefferson and Madison for presidentially-appointed positions, so it's safe to assume that (at least towards the end of his life/career) he was a Democratic-Republican. However, for the sake of this fic, he starts out Federalist due to Washington's support of Hamilton and switches parties after both of their deaths.

Randolph, despite being quite... unspoken in his beliefs, was a Federalist. He didn't sign the Constitution but supported Hamilton's plans for the most part. He was quiet about it. After all, he was Jefferson's second cousin.


February 1792

Y/N looks up when she hears a knock at her door.

"I hear congratulations are in order."

Y/N stands, greeting Mr. Jefferson with a warm handshake and a kiss on either cheek.

"Thank you, good Sir," she smiles brightly.

"For a moment, I feared you wouldn't return to us in favor of caring for your babies," he tells her, still holding her hand.

"You make it seem as if I don't care for them," she raises an eyebrow.

Jefferson's cheeks turn a bright red, and he shakes his head quickly, "N-no, ma'am...! That's not at all what was meant by my words...!"

Y/N chuckles, finally letting go of his hand, "I jest, good Sir."

"I know you mean well," she adds with a smile before going to sit back down.

"You're more than welcome to join me if you'd like, Mr. Jefferson," she gestures to the chair across from her desk.

She continues writing as Jefferson sits, silently watching her quill move across the parchment.

He supposes she has plenty of work to catch up on after taking a few months of maternity leave.

"Something troubles you," Y/N notes.

Jefferson looks up from where he had been staring. He nods briefly.

"President Washington is to sign in the Postal Service Act-"

"Well, yes, I know, but that's a good thing."

"Yes, but Hamilton's Coinage Act is not," he tells her. "It's inevitable."

Y/N stops writing and looks up at him.

"And his Federalists win again," she sighs.

Jefferson crosses his legs, fist resting against his mouth.

"I've no idea what to do next," she tells him. "I may have only been gone a few months, but I've always been on the outside, Sir."

"Whatever do you mean?"

Y/N raises an eyebrow, "I'm a woman, Mr. Jefferson. A woman playing a man's game. And I've been in it since I was eighteen years old. It never changes."

My Darling Flower [Alexander Hamilton x Female Reader] (Under Revision)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu