62. Promise

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A/N: So, it's extremely difficult to find credible information on Martha Washington's family, including the Bassetts. I didn't know until about 5 minutes ago that Mrs. Bassett, Anna Maria, Martha's younger sister, passed away on December 17, 1777. Therefore, the previous chapter has been edited and I have rewritten this chapter.


October 28, 1781

Y/N slowly sits down, exhausted from the long handful of days she's had lately.

On the day of the surrender, the British officers had been invited to dinner by the American and French officers.

She had intended to skip it in favor of being with her brother and continuing her paperwork, but His Excellency had requested she attend out of respect.

She had shown up about 15 minutes late, though that was due to the fact that her shoulder had been causing quite a lot of trouble.

The Redcoats seemed quite calm that they had to surrender to a ragtag army (that they didn't even consider an army), which surprised the two other parties. And in return, the British seemed surprised at the Franco-American officers' hospitality and politeness.

The British general - O'Hara, Y/N had learned - was quite civil, considering the defeat they'd just endured.

The days after that were filled to the brim with reports to other generals, Congress, and correspondence from the men under her command.

Jack had left the 20th to Colonel Bassett's house and they had received word from him the next day that he had arrived safely.

Before he left, however, he made his little sister promise not to let her father work himself too hard.

After all, he'd just won a major battle against the enemy. He deserved a moment of rest.

Both General Washingtons had been there to see him off. Hamilton, Laurens, Tallmadge, and Lafayette managed to make it as well to wish him well.

Their father had spent the longest with his goodbyes, painfully whispering a prayer over him and telling him to take care. He assured his son that he and his sister would be at his side as soon as possible.

She'd been restored to her proper command with the surrender of the British, finding mountains of paperwork that Alexander had attempted to help with.

"Does this mean I've been forgiven?" he grins.

Y/N gives him a look and he stands up, going over to where she was taking a break on the bed.

He rests his hands on either side of her and leans down slightly, looking into her eyes.

"Don't tell me I must convince you of the benefits of it..." he whispers, a small smirk on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He leans forward, softly placing his lips on hers.

Y/N forces herself not to smile when he pulls away, kissing her cheek.

Alexander then trails kisses across her jaw before whispering against her ear, "Because we both know what would happen."

Y/N groans softly, tilting her head slightly when he kisses the ticklish spot under her ear.

He kisses down her neck until he reaches her cravat and he pulls away.

Alexander looks into her eyes and cups her cheek, slowly guiding her down until she was laying down.

He hovers over her, "And you've been working so hard..."

My Darling Flower [Alexander Hamilton x Female Reader] (Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now