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Author POV:

"Are you serious? You got accepted?"

Anne nodded in response with a smile on her face and immediately got bombarded with various questions.

"Are you really going to move there? Where are you going to stay? Are you planning on staying in dorms? Are you going there alone, or is someone coming with you?"

"Whoa, one question at a time," she chuckled at her excited best friend.

"Okay. The most important question - How did your folks give in?" The girl grinned at the thrown question.

"You know, just my charm," she brought her hands close to her head, doing the dab move.

"Yeah, of course, just like that," her friend laughed.

At first, Anne's parents were terrified at the thought of her being away from them, but then they realized that it would be stupid to lose such an opportunity.

Because of her excellent grades, she got a chance to pick universities in other countries, so she decided on Seoul National University, which actually surprised everyone because it was never mentioned in her future plans for her educational journey. She told others that she was very interested in Korean culture, their food, and she was blown away by the fantastic views of Seoul. Also, she wanted to visit all those places from K-dramas that her sister forced her to watch for a long time. Also, this university is one of the best universities in the world, so Anne thought it would be a good place for her further education.

After long hesitation, she sent her application form and had been waiting for a reply for over a month. Yesterday, she finally got an email about her acceptance.

"And where are you going to stay?" Her friend asked.

"Near the university campus, in the dorms. Actually, I wanted to stay with a host family, but my parents didn't want me to stay in a house full of strangers, so they insisted on staying in the dorms until I save up enough money to rent a flat," Anne replied with a slight huff.

"That's awesome! So, we can be roommates again there," Anne's friend said with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you talking about? Aren't you going to France?"

Her friend giggled, looking at Anne's dumbfounded expression.

"Surprise, dummy! You haven't thought about why I suddenly started learning Korean and reading information about university college sections, have you? Dumbo, I am going there too, hopefully!" She exclaimed, moving her arms in exaggeration.

Anne just sat there, shocked by the new announcement.

"Huh, I must be really dumb to not notice it," she diverted her eyes from her surroundings to meet her best friend's happy face.

"That was a fact known literally for ages, ma bro. Now show some excitement!" she said, cackling and rolling her eyes, which brought Anne back to this realm. She snapped out and opened her mouth for a new outburst of a rant.

"Are you kidding? You always dreamed about studying in France and have been studying French for 2 years for that."

"Well, actually, we both wanted to go there as we have been taking the classes together. But you changed your mind, so did I. I thought about studying in Korea together so you won't be there by yourself. Also, the education there is on the best level. I think nobody is at a loss. Besides, who is going to look after your clumsy ass there if not me?"

Anne's best friend, Mira, is one of the closest people to her. She is the most supportive and loyal friend a person can ever ask for. They have been friends for almost 12 years now, went to the same school, attended the same college, and wanted to go to the same country as exchange students at first. The sudden change of Anne's plans confused Mira, but she only encouraged her to do what she wants. Now it was a touching surprise to know that she even changed her grand plans for her.

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