17. A wedding..?

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"We have to get married?" I yell at Richard during our first meeting all together.

He smirked and nodded. "Didn't you read the fine print right at the bottom?"

"What fine print?" I ask as I flicked through the contract as well as Gregory. Found it. "If ye shall sign this contract, ye must agree to marry business partner in order to complete job application and to need job description." Fuck. "This must be the smallest writing I have ever seen Richard. This is way out of line!"

Why is Gregory so silent and reserved recently? Why isn't he saying anything. "She's right grandpa. This is way out of line, I'm seeing someone now and it's actually going great for me." He fucking what? "Same with Emily and her doctor, we can't just leave our new partners to be married."

Oh. "I'm no longer seeing him but he's right, you can't just write something so small right at the back after the spot where we sign."

Gregory loses his focus and stared at me. "You're not seeing him anymore?"

Jesus, you like me, you have a girlfriend and you still like me. "No but a new neighbour moved in across from me and he's inviting me and the girls for dinner in his home with his little ones tonight. Well, fifteen and thirteen year old boys."

"Wow. You do just moved on so quickly don't you?" And off he storms out.

What the actual fuck? "So? The wedding is still on in five months? Yes?"

I shook my head and walked out and followed Gregory. "Gregory! Stop! What is going on with you?"

"You just can't seem to stay single can you? You just have to slut it up!" Oh. There goes the smashing of the glasses again.

Take a deep breath Emily, you can't get stressed for the love of god. "Okay. You're angry and I get that. The truth is, I've never been alone. I've never lived alone. Specially with the girls and I've got one on the way so yeah, I just have to slut it up all the time. Forgive me!" I yell smashing a glass too because why the fuck not.

"Hey! You can't smash my stuff!"

"You smashed me and now I have a baby in me! So yes, I can smash a glass if I want to!" Well crap. "Richard, hey." I turn seeing him stood by the doorway.

He looked... pale. "You're having a baby? Gregory's baby?"

I looked at Gregory who also looked pale. Oh for fucks sake. "Yes, I don't want to be but here we are."

"Now you really have to get married! I can't have Gregory having children upon children with women whom he's not with!" Is he kidding me right now. "I'm just kidding but the marriage thing is happening or else the deal is off. You have twenty-four hours to discuss."

With that, Richard left. "Business or no business?" I say sitting pretty on his sofa.

Oh he's angry. He's angry alright. "Business obviously! But I don't want to get married, specially not to you right now with your attitude."

I scoffed and grabbed my bag. "My attitude? Okay, you're the one who wants this company and the money so okay. I'm out." With that, I walked out and didn't turn back despite him calling for me to wait.

Let me call Randy.

"Hey Randy, meeting ended early. Want me to come and help with dinner? I need some well needed grown up time."

"Hey Emily and grown up time...?"

"Yeah, Gregory and his grandfather are just acting like children. So, what do you say?"

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