15. The Meeting - Day 2

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Today is the final meeting. I've buffed my presentation up a little more but I'm going second this time. But first, the girls. Got them dressed for the first day of spring, cute matching pink dresses with some thick white tights with sparkly pink shoes. "Perfect!" I say popping them in their jackets.

I drove them to the nursery, did their hand overs and off I go to the office. Ah, got here an hour early and Gregory is already here. "Emily." I hear Gregory's voice beam from the lobby.

"Oh, hey." I don't know why I'm so surprised.

We walked to the lift together and waited. "I'm giving up the company. It's all yours. I'm going to tell Richard as soon as we get up there," he says with much confidence but monotoned enough to tell me that there's something else going on.

We got into the lift with other people so he's gotten a little quiet. The awkward silence ended when the elderly woman got off on the floor with the restaurant and café. "Why? Why are you doing this?"

He sniffs, obviously trying his hardest to hide the fact that he's crying. Why am I breaking right now? I hate the guy. "Let's talk in my office."

I nodded and followed him. Gregory went to grab a glass of whiskey and offered me a glass. "I-I can't... the baby."

"Oh yeah, our baby." He says rubbing his face before sitting down. "That's exactly why I'm giving you the spot. You need it more than I do."

Woah woah woah. Hold up. "You're giving all of this because of an unborn foetus?" He finished his glass and nodded. "Look, mister! This is not the man I met three months ago! We are going to re-schedule this and you are going to present like your life depends on it!" I say slamming my hand on his desk.

"My presentation is ready, I just can't take something good away from you. You deserve this more than I do. You didn't lie to try and get it, you actually care about the company rather than just the money. At least this way, you can support the kid because he clearly has a dead beat father." He says gesturing at his drunk self at seven am.

Okay. That's it. I got up and slapped him. Hard. "Stop that! Stop whatever you are doing right now. You are a handsome and strong willed man. You are not a dead beat father, look at your boys!"

"The boys hates me now. Since I picked Samantha over you, they've been a pain in the ass. Misbehaving in school, swearing at Sam and I. They're fighting now as well, Mason went to school with a black eye and now they're permanently separated in school." Gregory says before placing a picture of the boys face down on his desk.

Okay. I have a plan. "Well clearly they boys are acting up because clearly, I'm the only one who can control them. They clearly want me in their lives and clearly I'm no Samantha to you, so, business partners? Co CEO? We'll merge our ideas and create a mega empire for the boys, the girls and our mixture seed," I say gesturing at my tummy.

Why am I being so casual about this?

He thought for a little while. "Let me freshen up and we'll merge the presentations together." He says taking a deep breath before walking to his office bathroom.

He got out looking hotter than ever. He looks energised, combed and styled hair and straightened out suit. "Oh my, what the heck?!"

He chuckled and sat on his desk. "I have emergency anxiety pills and antidepressants in there." He what? "You've never seen me take them because I didn't have to when you were around."

Oh. Well. Fuck off man. "I'm sorry to hear that but same. I have to stop them though because of the baby but I haven't been needing it anyway, I've been happy." I shrugged showing that I don't need him to be happy. "Anyway, let's merge.

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