16. The Press Conference

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I woke up and got dressed for the day. The press conference isn't until two in the afternoon so I spent the morning with the girls before taking them into nursery.

"Hey Emily!" The nursery manager calls for me as she also gets out of her car. She's also a very close friend of mine.

"Hello Chloe, how are you?" I ask as I open the door for the girls, just so they're not in a car with no air circulation.

She waved at the girls before responding. "Great thank you! Just got back from the doctor, if you haven't heard, I am expecting," she says showing me her little bump.

I gasped and gave her a hug! "Oh my goodness! Congratulations! No one else knows just yet but... so am I!" I say pushing back my blazer to show my bump that grew overnight. She did the exact same thing and asked each other how far along and to my surprised, we are both nine weeks in! Crazy! "Please don't tell any of the girls yet, I'm trying to make it to twelve weeks before telling anybody."

She zips her mouth and nodded. "Of course! Anyway, why are the girls here so late?"

I sighed a relaxed sigh. "Yesterday, I received some great news, I took this morning to spend it with them as with all these meetings currently, I haven't been able to spend any quality time with them so we had some sensory play, got their soft play out including Haley's new climbing frame then I'm off to lunch with my doctor then straight to a press conference."

She looked shocked. "Holy cow! You're a momma that does it all aren't you?" They don't know the girls are my sisters. I'd rather treat them and tell everyone they're my daughters to completely get rid of my mother. "And a press conference? That sounds nerve wracking."

I nodded before chuckling. "Yeah it does but honestly, I've been so exposed to the public eye specially currently, I'm slowly getting used to it."

She gasped one more time before jumping up and down. "You're Gregory Rose's mysterious woman! Holy shit! Oop sorry girls!"

I laughed and told her to quieten down. "Please, we haven't been in great terms for a while plus he's back with his ex, the twins' mother. I was just a month or two conquest."

"Oh don't be silly! That video of you guys in The Flying Pig showed so much chemistry." I smiled at my favourite memory of us. "Truth me told, I'm pretty sure Gregory helped Ed Sheeran write Shivers."

He what? "I had no idea! But I really must dash, Chris will be waiting for me and I need to have a full tummy before the conference." I say getting Anna out first before Haley.

"Well I can't wait to hear all about it! Still up for bunch on Saturday at the country club?" She says as she grabs her bag from her car.

"You know it! See you later!"


"Chris, hey, where are you?" I finally got an answer on Chris' phone.

He sighed and swore quietly. "I am so sorry baby! I forgot we were going to have lunch today. My schedule got so full, two women went into early labour, one baby is a premie and the other was breached and I haven't slept in nearly forty eight hours. I'm really sorry."

I sighed and nodded. "No worries! I know how busy you doctors can be. Just let me know when you're free next and we shall meet then."

I hear him sigh like her was relieved. "You are the best. I promise you, this will never happen again! Good luck with your press conference by the way, and congratulations."

"Thank you Chris, try to have a break once in a while. I get your job is very hands on but you got to take a moment, it's not good for your concentration."

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