10. Eiffel Tower

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We are now back in the car where it was very quiet, a little awkward not going to lie but damn he looks great. "Pop these on." He says handing me some glasses making me jump out of my skin which of course, made him laugh. "I'm sorry."

So I did what I was told. "Fuck me that's dark. You better not be murdering me because I've got friends and family back home who will look for me!"

Gregory laughs once more and the car halts to a stop. "What good will that do me? I need you alive for my plan, then that's when I'll murder you." I gasped and was about to take my glasses off but he stopped me and laughed. "I'm kidding. You're more to me than that fucking contract." He what?! "Now come on."

I got out of the car with his hand on mine guiding me before asking me to stop. "Where did you go?" I asked flailing my arms desperately trying to find him.

Once more, like music to my ears, he laughs and held my hands instantly calming me down. "You're okay, you're safe and I'm right here. Now, take your glasses off."

God I'm scared. "I don't want to now. I'm scared." I nervously chuckled.

"Here," I then felt his hands on my face, "let me help you." I nodded placing my hands on top of his.

He took them off and I finally opened my eyes. "Holy crap. It's beautiful!" It's the Eiffel Tower all lit up right in front of us. "Gregory..." I look up in amazement.

Gregory grabs a hold of my hand before leading us towards the front entrance. "Come on. Our night is just beginning." He gives my cheek a soft kiss as we wait for the lift.

Tingles. Okay. Calm down, this is just another thing for the people to see. For his grandfather to see. Not for me or for him. Just for our image as the perfect couple.

We finally got to the top where the lift revealed a beautiful 360 view of the city, a string quartet playing a soft classic and a table with a single rose in the middle and hundreds of candles lighting up the place. "Gregory David Rose..." I say with my voice cracking. What? I've been real emotional lately.

Gregory pulled a chair out for me to sit on before noticing I was crying. "Hey, baby, hey. What's wrong?" He asks wiping my cheek gently. I sat down and he grabbed his chair and sat in front of me. "What's the matter huh? Did I do something wrong?" His hands found their destinations on my knee and on my cheek.

I chuckled and shook my head. "No no, it's just... this is beautiful and I've never had anything like this before, I don't deserve nice things and I know and understand that but this... this is a whole new thing that I never expected to ever experience and it's just so beautiful." God these tears just keeps on coming.

"Hey, don't be silly!" He lifts my face up so he can look at me, directly into my eyes. "You, you are a remarkable woman. After everything you have done for me and the boys, specially the boys; mending their lacrosse and polo uniforms despite me just being able to buy a new one, disciplining them to the point where they say what would Emily think? I hear them ask each other that everyday. You help them with homework, with conflicts and with settling who gets a turn on the trampoline when." He laughs before grabbing my right hand with both hands and giving them a kiss. "You, of all women that I know, deserves this right now. Shall we get started?"

I thought that was going to go further but I smiled, thanked him and nodded.

The first course was some mushrooms and tofu, it was actually really nice and it's sweet that he remembered I love tofu, however, Gregory for one... was not a real big fan. The second course was a premium slice of T-Bone steak which was perfectly cooked, paired with some chunky steak chips and a side of salad. Oh and gravy, I love gravy!

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