3. The Following Morning

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The following morning.

Emily wakes up with the guy fast asleep next to her. She looks under the covers feeling a little confused since she felt garments on her. He placed her in some boxers and a button up silk pj shirt whilst he was laying there in matching navy blue pjs. She shakes it off before sneaking up and out of bed into his bathroom.

She looks at herself and shakes her head in disappointment. Emily wasted no more time and grabbed her leggings and cropped shirt from her bag and changed into them. Next she washed her face and brushed her hair before proceeding onto popping on a layer of brow powder, mascara and lip balm, can't be doing the walk of shame no more.

Emily looks back at herself and approved of how she's looking. She walked out to see the guy no longer being in his bed. Crap. How on Earth is she going to sneak out now? Emily took a moment and took a deep breath before devising a plan, a plan that she doesn't even have! How the fuck is she supposed to get out of here not knowing the layout of the place! Emily was far too infatuated with the current events of last night to pay attention as they walked into the place.

She took another big breath before opening the bedroom door and found the stairs and ran down before seeing an entry way towards what seems like the living room due to the big comfy sofa she's seeing. Yes! She quickly runs to the room and froze. "Hi." She stops in her tracks seeing the guy from last night and an elderly man.

The elderly man smiled and stood up. "Gregory, you didn't tell me you have a friend around. Hi, I'm Richard Rose, Gregory's grandfather."

Gregory looks at me with an angry look and was trying to tell me something, wait, I think I got it. "Hi, it's such a pleasure! I've heard so many great things about you! I'm Emily Austen-Smith, Gregory's girlfriend. How do you do?" She holds out a hand to shake but instead, Richard gave it a small polite kiss. Gregory did not look happy but was forced to change his expression as his grandfather turns to him.

"Yes grandpa, this is Emily. My girlfriend." He says hesitantly wrapping his arms around Emily's waist.

Richard looked impressed and nodded. "She seems great son," he says placing a hand on Gregory's shoulders. "As for you madam, I am looking forward to getting to know you later, that's if Gregory has told you about our family event?"

Emily used to love drama class, she particularly lived her teenage life through improv. "He certainly did, although a little late, now I have to go shopping for a new dress. Yikes!" Emily jokes with Richard who laughed with her, a sound that Gregory has not heard in years since his grandmother passed.

On that note, Richard left a happy man but left an infuriating one. "What did you do?! Why did you tell him you're my girlfriend?! You just screwed up my whole fucking plan you dumb bit-" that was when Emily gave him a slap.

"Do not speak to me like that!" She huffed before walking towards his door.

But with the stake of the company being sold and the whole profit going to his sister, Emily is now valuable to Gregory's plan. "Wait." He grabs onto her elbow before she turned around. "Now that he thinks you're my girlfriend, I need you to stick around and actually be my girlfriend." A defeated Gregory admitted.

Emily laughs and scoffs. "After how you treated me? You're on your own buddy." She says desperately trying to get to the lift.

But, once again, she was stopped. "For fuck sake. What do you want? Money? A car? Just tell me." Emily raises her left eye brow and sat down in his living room and grabbed the decorative notebook and grabbed a pen from her bag. "What are you doing? That's not for writing in! Here." He passed Emily a notebook from what seems like a junk drawer.

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