7. The Boys & Girls

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I dressed the girls up in their little outfits and me in my little outfit. Shit. I've got no car seats, the SS woman took it because it was hers. Crap. I was just going to take the bus but, Daniel pulled up earlier than planned. "Hey Daniel, you're a little early." I say as I carry Anna and hold Haley's hand as we walk to the car.

"Mr.Rose asked me to come and get you early. Apparently there's a small snafu that needs to be sorted." He says opening the car door to two swivel car seats for the girls. "Mr.Rose bought these for you early this morning as well as a two seater, adjustable pram so you don't have to keep replacing it as the children grows up."

Well isn't that nice. But enough chatter, we got on our way. Daniel showed me how to work the pushchair before heading up. Here we go. The private lift pinged open and the sight of Gregory and his boys stood in a line waiting for us was a little... more business than family. Which is what it should be.

"Boys, this is Anna and Haley, Emily's recently adopted children." Gregory introduced the girls before letting the boys approach them.

The girls immediately reacted, Haley giggled and Anna started to kick and flap in excitement. "They're so cute." Mason says rubbing Anna's head. "Her head is so soft."

"Smells good too." I say and gave him a wink. They both sniffed her head.

"It does!" They sniffed one more time before Gregory cleared his throat making them move back next to their father.

Gregory then signalled Daniel making Daniel grab the girls away from me then the boys. "We need to talk. Follow me." Gregory says opening his office door.

To my consternation, Alexa was sat in front of Gregory's desk. "What's going on?" I asked looking at them both.

"Have a seat." Gregory says before sitting himself.

So I did what I was told. "I'm pregnant and it's Gregory's." SHE FUCKING WHAT?!

I battered my eyelash in bewilderment before processing. "I don't know why it's so tense in here because this is great news isn't it? Congratulations! Unless it isn't then I take that back..." good acting. That's right, pretend like you had no hope whatsoever in you and Gregory actually falling in love with each other.

Gregory looks down and nodded. "I mean yeah, it's great news. I just wanted you to know. That's all." He says with a weak smile. "May you excuse us?" I nodded and stood up. "Not you, Emily. Alexa, please excuse us. We've got some business to talk about." Alexa frowns at him before stomping away.

We waited for her to be fully out of the room before Gregory goes and locks his door. "What's wrong?" I asked as I watch him pour a glass of whiskey, drinks it and threw it at his wall smashing the thing. "Gregory! Stop!" I say as he continues to break the glasses but then a framed picture was smashed making him panic.

"No, no no no." He says picking up the picture but cutting himself so many times.

I gasped and ran him over to his bathroom in his office but making sure the picture was salvaged. I'll snoop later to see who's in the picture that made him panic so much. "Come here," I say squeezing blood out making sure his stream is cleaned. "Keep squeezing blood out under the water, let me grab your first aid kit." I say before grabbing it from his cupboard on top of the toilet.

He frowned and asked, "where did that come from?"

I dried his hand before replying. "That week you were away and I babysat your boys, I cleaned the penthouse and saw that you have no kits anywhere so I went and ordered one per bathroom as well as a main one in the kitchen." I made no eye contact but focused on getting his cut cleaned and covered.

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