04; starting again.

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When the snow fell into that chimney, for a moment she thought she was asleep. The room was silent and dark, she could only hear the wind whistling more and more outside. It had been like falling asleep during a storm. But the moment right after, Eugene took out a torch and turned it on, lighting the place up.

He studied for a bit the situation while Naomi kept on holding RJ between her arms. She had gotten up almost right away when the snow fell, since it produced a stationary and flat noise that felt like the explosion of a tiny bomb.
Plus, it was already starting to freeze in there.

Negan approached her and the kids. He was always worried about the children, especially for Judith. He had told Naomi, in one of their conversations, that Judith was the only girl who enjoyed staying around him for years. They had some kind of connection, Naomi thought that he would have been the greatest of dads for this.

Before Negan could ask them how they were doing, Eugene took the word. He started talking in that smart way of him, Naomi could understand only a few words of his explanation. She wasn't used to listen to him talking, not like all the others. But she understood that they could not only freeze to death in less than half a hour, but even intoxicate themselves because of what happened in the chimney.

"We should leave before the temperature drops any lower." sighed Rosita, crossing her arms to keep herself warm, looking at Gabriel.

He nodded slightly, "Okay folks, contingency plan. We're going to Aaron's house. It will be tight quarters, but we'll make it work it." at that point, everyone started taking their things, getting ready to go.

They were going to pass through the snowstorm, where they couldn't see anything and had to keep hold of each other.
Naomi took her long wool scarf, leaning it on RJ before getting up again, turning to Negan.

"Could you tie this scarf behind my back? It will protect RJ from too much cold." she asked him.

"Sure, honey," he answered with a light smile, taking the two extremities of the scarf and tying them together behind the girl's back. "You know how to take care of children, mh?" he said, grinning while meeting her green eyes.

"I think it's just automatic when you feel the need to protect them. So, basically, always." she murmured, pointing the index finger on his chest. "You're good with children too. Just- less cursing around them." she shrugged her shoulders, making the man grin.

"That's part of my charm." he murmured, at first reaching out the hands that Naomi unconsciously thought he wanted to rest on her freezing and red cheeks, but overcoming her face to be able to raise her hood instead.

A few minutes later, all the people there were forming a long chain. Everyone was connected with one another through some ropes, so they couldn't risk to lose each other in the snowstorm.

𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐈𝐍 𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 ⋆ NeganWhere stories live. Discover now