"I'm sorry- I'm happy for you- Dante can just be a pain in the ass for me sometimes- Cal I'm really sorry." Did she mean that when she called me a slut. Or when she was denying her father raping me. She was going through shit but I can't just let the words she said to me bounce off. She hurt me. Badly.

"Why were you yelling at Dante then?" I mumbled.

"Anything I say to you will sound like an excuse. But I mean, my heartless brother got married and I wasn't told- but no one was. I'm really bad with my emotions right now. That sounds like a really bad accuse. Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"I feel like we should talk. When we are both capable of. When we can have a calm discussion and I can explain some things to you. You do know how bad you hurt me when you said those things to me?" I asked and she nodded quickly. "You have to learn to keep crude comments to yourself. I'm fine with bitch, but slut shaming and calling me a whore is too far. I know you were going through shit and still are. Not everything is about me and I get that no one was really there to help you-"

"No Cal- this is about you! What happened to you was terrible! Oh my god, I dumped what's his name- so what. I shouldn't have let that get to me. I swear Callie, I missed you so fucking much- I would say more than Dante but I don't think that is possible. Again, I'm really sorry."

"And I'm sorry for calling you a two faced drunk bitch." I shrugged.

"You never said that to me." She said but had a smile on her face.

"Oh, we'll I did now. So hug me you two faced drunk bitch before I regret this." Liv leaped forward into my arms and hugged me tightly. "I- need- to- breathe- Olivia-" I said.

"Oh yeah. Sorry. I have to go help Alex with something but I'll see you later." I nodded and she walked out of the room as Dante was coming back in.

"That went well." I said and jumped up onto the counter.

"Totally." He replied as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed his head against my shoulder.

"Should we do your mom next?" I asked.

"I would really like to be married to you for at least a month before I die." He mumbled and I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him and began to rub my fingers along his back. "I don't think she will be that happy with us. Maybe we could wait till we have good news to go with it."

"We could make some good news." I whispered.

"Right now?!" He shot up and I shook my head no.

"Not right now Cherry." I said and he sighed. "Sorry." I kissed his forehead, putting my hands on the side of his face and squishing it together together and giggled. He gave an unamused look. "You're so cute."

"Thanks kitten." He said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "I'll invite my mom over tomorrow for brunch or something and just tell her."

"Good idea. Maybe she won't be mad with a full stomach." I chirped.

"If she is then just say we're thinking of a baby." He said and I nodded.

"Isn't that true though?" I asked.

"Sure hope it is kitten." He kissed the tip of my nose and my cheeks flared up. "Okay, I gotta go call my mom I guess." He sighed and backed away.

"I'm making food. Want some?" I asked.


"It's my famous pasta with butter."

"Then no."

"Two bowls coming right up." I said.

"I'll be back down in a few minutes." He kissed my temple as he made his way out of the room. He says he doesn't like my pasta but I know he does and he just doesn't want to admit it. How long ago was it? Almost two years, yeah, I made him pasta with butter and he looked at me like I was crazy. I hate red sauce.

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