I fucked my way into this mess

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Tony looked up at you, still pinching his nose whilst you just zoned out. Pregnant. Were you pregnant? Surely not. You could be. No. But what if? No. Was it Bucky's? No because you couldn't be pregnant. Was it Loki's?

"NO!" You shouted making Tony's eyes widen in alarm.

"Y/N, calm down you're alright, what's wrong?" He asked patching up his own nose whilst you just panicked.

"No no no no no no no no no"


"No no"

"Y/N, sit down" Tony advised standing up to walk you to your bed but you broke free of his hold and ran to the bathroom covering your mouth.

Pushing open the door you threw up in the toilet. Pregnancy would explain a lot but you couldn't be. You continued heaving whilst Tony walked in placing a hand on your back. Counting backwards, you realised that you weren't just late for your period but you were extremely late. You had been so caught up with the drama between Bucky being gone and Loki now being your bedtime buddy that you hadn't even realised. Oh shit Bucky. Was he the dad? He could be, if you were pregnant, which you were not, which you couldn't be.

"Are you pregnant y/n?" Tony questioned as you flushed the toilet and washed your mouth out.

"Wh-whaaat no me ha thats- you're, that was a funny one" you snorted trying to keep yourself from just passing out and never waking back up.

"It would explain a lot. The tiredness, the emotions, the fainting, the aggression" he listed pointing to his nose.
Was he right? Were you acting different? So different that everyone had noticed? Had Loki noticed? How did you not? You had been sleeping exceptionally longer, the smallest things made you upset, you had passed out a few times but tried to explain that away with tiredness, you wanted to bed Loki every time you saw him and you just punched Tony in the face for a passing comment he had made yesterday. How could you have still even been so angry? Unless—


Tony froze in his place as you shook his upper arms in perturbation.


"Yea sorry yes come on let's get a test" he said snapping back to reality and leading you both out of the bathroom.

"Thanks Tony but I think I can do this myself" you said sheepishly when you reached the door.

"Right right yeah sorry" he said looking down in embarrassment.

"And Tony" you said looking at him.

"Secrets safe with me" he smiled crossing his heart.

Close to jogging through the compound, you headed towards the chemist. Loki tried to speak to you as you were leaving but you were so transfixed in this trance of trepidation that you didn't even take notice of him. Pushing past him, you stormed to the chemist. Your trembling legs wouldn't allow you to drive there safely and there were so many built up emotions, that you needed to walk to try and release them all.

Entering, you instructed your wobbly legs to take you to the isle the pregnancy tests were. Looking through all the different brands, you decided to just pick up one of every one. Waddling to the counter, you placed down your 9 pregnancy tests. The pharmacist was the same one as always. She looked you up and down before scanning the products.

"Anything else?"

Smiling awkwardly, you picked up a packet of gum and placed that on the counter as well.

"That's all thank you" you nodded before paying.

"Guess you won't be needing a repeat prescription" she uttered as you turned around.

Don't react y/n, rise above it, rise above i—

"Excuse me?" You scoffed turning back towards her.

Y/n come on just leave.

"Nothing" the pharmacist said quickly.

"That's what I thought" you tutted turning back around and heading out.

Traipsing back to the compound, you tried to make a timeline of events in your head but you couldn't, everything was too jumbled. You didn't take the plan B because you were kidnapped. You always used protection with Bucky apart from the last time when the condom broke but you were on birth control at the time, birth control that had run out and that you hadn't replaced. Mentally scolding yourself, you arrived at the compound. Opting to try and hide the pharmacy bag under your coat, you stepped inside.

"Y/N, there you are, where have you been? We've been waiting all morning for you at HQ"

"Heeeeey Steve" you said with a fake smile feeling yourself begin to sweat.

"What you hiding there?" He laughed reaching out to touch you.

"Great catching up, I'll see you later" you fake laughed sprinting away from him and towards your room.

You were so close, you had managed to dodge everyone but now Loki was standing outside your door. Fuck sake.

"Heeeey Loki" you waved.

"Y/N, what's going on?" He questioned with a worried tone "earlier you—"

"I'm fine, just need to go to the toilet" you interrupted.

"What's that?" He asked pointing to your bumpy coat as the bag rustled against the material.


"Y/n, you're back great. Did you bring the chips?" Tony said walking towards you.

"Yes I did" you cheered turning towards him with a relieved and thankful smile.

"Sorry Reindeer games but I'm gonna have to steal y/n from you for a while" Tony said ushering you into your room and closing it behind you both whilst Loki stood completely bewildered.

"Midgardians and their potato snacks" Loki sighed turning back towards his own room.

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