The Party

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Walking into the tower, you were greeted by the sound of loud music, laughter, glasses clinking and the familiar scent of expensive alcohol. You were surprisingly nervous. You'd been invited by the host himself yet you still felt like an outsider. You were an outsider. Just because you and them shared the same objective, it didn't automatically mean you were all on the same team playing happy families. How could Tony possibly think you'd fit in here. They're the Avengers and you're just well you. Walking towards the bar, you were interrupted by someone handing you a drink.

"How did you know I was going to order this?" You said glancing at the glass with an amused smile.

"Porn star martini, come on y/n that has been your order for as long as I've known you. Come here, give me a hug" Tony said wrapping his arms around you "I'm glad you came."

"Of course I came" you replied pulling away from the hug. "Don't I always?"

Tony was about to say something else before being interrupted by someone else entering the conversation.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Ca-Rog- Steve, I'm Steve, you must be y/n, I'm a huge fan" He said smiling widely holding his hand out.

"A fan? Of me? Well, you're one to talk. Captain America, pleasure to make your acquaintance" you said returning the hand shake.

"I've seen some of the things you've done y/n, you're brilliant."

"And beautiful. Hi, I'm James" said another man walking past Steve to shake your hand.

"Y/n. Lovely to meet you" you replied smiling and shaking his hand.

"Alright Bucky, stop gushing over the nice woman" Tony said watching you both shaking each others hands not breaking eye contact.

"Yeah Buck I'm sure we were both interrupting an important conversation" Steve said winking at Tony.

"What, was Tony about to ask me to marry him?" you laughed looking at the three men who didn't seem amused. "Tony? You weren't about to ask me to marry you were you?" You said a little more seriously.

"No" he replied simply "Long story short, I want you to join us."


"This" he said gesturing to your surroundings

"Let me get this straight, you've invited me here in the hopes that I'll join the avengers. You're either drunk of you're crazy."

"Both" a man said walking towards the scene. "And anyways, what could you possibly have to offer?" He spat looking down at you.

"Loki" Tony warned but you had already made your mind up. Time to shine.

"Well, let me think" you said tapping your foot and placing a finger to your lips "years of experience working for S.H.I.E.L.D and training some of their best agents, working with MI6 along with various other special intelligence forces, I can disarm an iron man suit within seconds rendering it useless" you said looking to Tony "and I can pry answers out of the quietist of manic criminals."

"And how could you possibly do that?" Loki questioned slightly intrigued.

"Do what?"

"Interrogate, you don't seem intimidating at all."

"Woman's like a mind reader" Tony added

"I can't read minds Stark" you laughed turning your attention to Tony

"Is that right, do we have a mind reader in our company?" Loki teased

"I'm not a mind reader, however, I do know that right now you're imagining me wearing- oh" you said giving a small chuckle seeing the image of yourself in Loki's mind.

Loki's smug, confident demeanour completely disappeared hearing you, it had been replaced by mostly embarrassment. "How did she—"

"Fears, desires, they're my thing" You said feeling proud. "Now tell me Loki, what is it you fear"

"Stop it" he ordered

"Sorry sorry" you laughed putting your hands up "it was a joke I'd never—"

"Do NOT try and ever delve into my mind again or you'll regret it you dull creature" Loki growled stepping closer to you making you feel slightly intimidated before he stormed off.

"Well he seems nice" you said tapping your index and middle fingers on your thumb. It was something you did when you were feeling anxious, trying not to cry or scared. Right now you felt a tiny bit scared.

"Don't mind Reindeer games, he's all talk" Tony said glancing down at your hand before looking back at you and smiling.

"I apologise for his behaviour. Someone as gorgeous as yourself shouldn't be spoken to so harshly" Bucky said grabbing the hand you were fiddling with.

"No need to apologise for him" you reassured placing your other hand over his hand that was holding yours.

"So, wanna join?" Tony asked breaking you and Bucky's trance.

"Tony you can't just spring this on me" you said retreating your hands.

"You don't have to make any decisions today, just promise me you'll think about it" He pleaded.

"Fine. I'll think about it. No promises" You agreed.

"It would be nice to see more of you" Bucky added.

"Whatever" you laughed "someone get me another drink please."

The rest of the night went great. You were reintroduced to some of the avengers who you'd met during your time at S.H.I.E.L.D and introduced to a few new faces.

"Hey Nat" you grinned hugging the redhead.

"Y/N, back for round two?" She replied lightly smacking your behind causing Steve to spit out his drink.

"Nat, not here, look you're getting the boys worked up" you whisper shouted "I've got some new blades, two bats and a new friend that controls thunder if you wanna hit up Budapest and take out some bad guys again" you whispered in her ear.

"This is why I love you, I've missed you y/n" she said releasing you.


As the night progressed, you thought back to your encounter with Loki. How could that have been Thor's brother? Thor was welcoming and kind and Loki was well just not. You didn't know why or where he had stormed off too, but you didn't see him for the rest of the night.
You played a few drunken games with the team before declaring yourself unfit to make decisions. You sat back and watched as they continued the drunken activities.

"You can stay here tonight" Tony said walking towards you.

"I don't live far, thanks to someone I managed to snag one of the fancy apartments near here that suddenly came back on the market"

"Well that's good" he smiled

"Thanks for that" you said returning his smile

"Stay y/n, you're drunk and we conveniently have a spare bedroom"

"I haven't made my mind up Stark. I don't know if I'm joining the team"



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