The interrogation

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Walking into the room, you felt the mans attention shift onto you. You felt his eyes scan over your body. You heard the vicious laugh that escaped him looking at you. You knew you didn't look like much and he clearly had already formed an option about you. This'll be fun.

"I wouldn't speak to them" he said gesturing to the door "so why would I speak to you?" he said with his gruff voice.

"The merchant" you said keeping a stoic expression "that's what they call you isn't it but what's under all of that. Hmmm I wonder."

"I'm not speaking" he stated.

"I'm going to make you" you replied looking down at him. He let out a choked laugh but this quickly subsided when he saw you laughing as well.

"What?" He said clearly confused and probably alarmed seeing the once calm and collected agent sent in to interrogate him laughing insanely looking at him.

"So it's clowns" you replied instantly stopping your laughing and returning to your previous aloof demeanour.

His eyes widened in dismay hearing you say clown. "Wh-what did y-ou just say" he stuttered looking from you down to the floor.

"You're scared of clowns. What? Bad experience as a child" you interrogated as he began hyperventilating and rubbing his eyes whilst you sifted through his memories looking for the thing you needed to torment him.

"Stop" he whimpered when you tilted his chin up to look at you.

"Bingo" you smiled.

Suddenly, his features glazed over as you started replaying the memory that began his fear of clowns. He began shaking and let out a choked sob.

"Please stop. Stop this" he begged.

"Tell me what I want to know and I'll end this."
Upping the ante, you added a few jump scares. To everyone else, he was simply shaking and trying to fight away something that was non existent with his hands that were cuffed to the table but you knew exactly what he was seeing. Fearing.

"Please pleaseee" he continued begging.

"TELL ME!" You ordered hitting the table and like lambs to the slaughter, information began pouring out of him.
Pleased with yourself, you waited to be escorted out of the room whilst other agents came in to record the information he was giving. One of your escorts was Bucky who told the other agents he'd take you to a meeting room to ensure you were alright.

"I was good in there wasn't I?" you asked Bucky excitedly as you walked down the corridor.

"Yeah yeah" Bucky replied dismissively leading you further down the corridor further away from all the other agents. You were about to ask Bucky why he was acting so off but you were taken from your thoughts as Bucky pushed your back against the wall and captured your lips in an aggressive kiss.

"You were more than good in there" Bucky said breathlessly pulling away from the kiss.

You smiled up at him wrapping your arms around his neck and capturing him in another kiss.

"Sorry am I interrupting?" Loki said turning the corner and interrupting you both.

You pulled away from Bucky and looked at Loki who was now wearing more casual clothes. You noticed that he had a bit of paint on his trousers and his hand but ignored it as you looked up at his face.

"Loki I—" you began

"I'm not overly fond of public displays of affection, would you both go somewhere more private if you want to do that" he ranted gesturing to you both.

Before you could muster up a response, considering that the other morning he was literally kissing someone outside of his room, Loki had already turned away, walking back into the direction he had just come from. Why didn't he just walk past you both? Clearly he wanted to walk down that corridor or he wouldn't have been there in the first place. Feeling slightly embarrassed, you looked back up at Bucky who was looking at you running a finger over his lip.

"You're breathtaking" he confessed running his eyes over your figure. His eyes eyes turned lust filled as he spoke again "do it."

"Do what?" You asked.

"Look at what I desire" he uttered.

Sifting through his desires, you gasped when you saw the images of you. You laying naked on his bed as his head delved between your thighs. You riding him as you steadied yourself placing your hands on his chest.

"Control yourself" you said teasingly glancing down at his slight erection as you retreated from his mind.

"I am" he replied about to kiss you again "we haven't even been on a date yet."

"Good work y/l/n" you heard Fury say walking towards you both. You saw as Bucky tried to stand behind you in the hopes of covering his bulge.

"Sir yes sir" you said giving Fury a salute which earned a sigh from him.

"I hope you've considered your role as an Avenger y/n" he said dismissing your jest.

"I have"


"Maybe it's a bit of me" you said looking over your shoulder at Bucky who had gone completely red.

"Being here will suit you well y/n. It took you what, 10 minutes to retrieve information people have been trying to get for years with no success. You're good, don't waste your talent" Fury praised.

"You're really congratulating me" you huffed with a smile " Nick Fury, I never though I'd see the day."

"I'm serious y/n"

"Maybe I'll join, maybe I'll keep being the person who is brought out on special occasions" you laughed before wrapping your arms around Fury.

"What are you doing?" He asked unamused.

"Thanks Nicky"

"That's enough" he said pushing you off of him before walking off.

"Nicky" you heard him mutter clearly trying to stifle a laugh.

Turning back to Bucky, you both began chuckling like children at Fury's reaction.

"So, are you gonna join?" Bucky questioned


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