A debt repaid

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When you and Loki arrived, you could hear the sound of hard boots hitting the floor as if people were marching. You then heard a deep, gruff voice shouting commands. You were thankful Loki was here, you already knew you were overwhelmingly outnumbered.

Keeping your backs to the wall, you and Loki skulked around the place checking for any signs of Bucky or the man that had kidnapped you and taken him. You managed to catch sight of the men who were marching, they looked as if they were in a trance. Lifeless, empty.

"I- Sorry, y/n" Loki whispered as you crouched down, looking around.

"This is not the time" you replied trying to be as quiet as possible.

"No y/n, I am sorry and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to finally actually say it truly heartfelt."

"This is not the—"

"Oh y/n, as pretty as always" you leapt up hearing the mans voice "did you miss me? I missed you" he grinned causing you to feel nauseous.

"INTRUDERS!" The man shouted causing all the marching men to begin charging at you and Loki.

You didn't know what to do. You froze. Loki began using his sedir to fight the men off as you scoured your brain searching for an idea. One of the men came at you and as if it was innate, you began hand to hand combat. A kick to the right leg. A punch in the abdomen. A gouge in the eyes. The man was tumbling to the ground as you began taking on another one. Loki helped you dodge most of the attacks whilst holding his own. Finally, an idea hit you.

"LOKI GRAB MY HAND" you shouted trying to get closer to him as the number of people attacking you grew.

Without question, Loki grabbed your hand interlocking his fingers with yours. You replayed all the things you had been taught by the ancient one in your youth. How you could tap into extra-dimensional energy by invoking entities or objects of power. How doing so could strengthen your own abilities. Loki watched in awe as you raised your free hand bringing all the men to a stop. Their eyes glazed over as you projected each of their fears onto them as your mind effortlessly searched through theirs. One by one, realisation hit them and whatever spell they were under broke as they began targeting their attacks on the people who were commanding them at the start. You felt sorry for them knowing that they had probably endured something similar to Bucky. The 'wiping' process. Their fears must have reminded them of who they truly are, that they were individuals, not pawns.

Severing the connection, Loki spun you towards him as he leant down to kiss you. Your lips moved slowly together as you kissed him back savouring the moment. His tongue traced your bottom lip yearning for entrance. Granting it, you moaned into the kiss as his tongue collided with yours.

"I am sorry and I'll spend the rest of your life showing you. I'm not asking for your forgiveness y/n, I'm begging for it but I understand if you do not wish to grant it" he said breaking the kiss and leaning his forehead against yours.

"We have to go" you said breathlessly moving away from him.

"Well, that was painful to watch" The man that had kidnapped you remarked as he approached you both with Bucky at his side, void of emotion "kill them" he said turning to Bucky before he charged at you both.

You both fought Bucky as Loki relied mostly on daggers as his seidir was fleeting because you had channeled it moments ago.

"Bucky it's me" you vociferated.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" he questioned as you dodged another punch.

The man began making his escape but you saw him before he could leave.

"Loki GO!" You instructed "get him, I've got this." You instructed before head butting Bucky.

Reluctantly, Loki chased after the man.

"Bucky hey it's me it's me it's y/n, you know me, you love me"

A single moment of recollection was replaced by a shout.


Bucky pushed you to the floor as he stood over you glaring at you before his features softened for a second and he turned around, running away. You tried to get up quickly to chase after him but by the time you did, he was gone.

Sighing, you turned to see Loki approaching you with the man who had tried to escape.

"I told you I'd kill you" you spat stepping towards him, reaching for your blade.

"What are you waiting for?" He mocked licking his lips.

"Allow me" Loki said turning the man towards him so that they were face to face "I'll only make you wish you were dead" he snarled "you thought you'd be able to hurt y/n and get away with it. You are pathetic."

You stood back watching Loki doing whatever he did to the man. You didn't understand what was particularly going on but it ignited something in you. Something you couldn't allow to overtake you.

Loki soon had the man kneeling at his feet beseeching for the sweet release of death.

"Now, apologise to the nice lady" he said with a cheeky smile as he leant down to the mans height and gripped his throat turning him to you.

"I-I'm s-s-sorry" he stuttered.

"Good enough" Loki said casually, bringing a dagger to the mans throat, ending his life.

Dropping the man, Loki turned to face you with a wide smile.

"What, he hurt someone I really cared about. Don't give me that look" he teased wiping his bloodied hands on his trousers.

"I could have killed him myself." You scolded.

"But you liked watching me do it, no?" He quipped as he stalked towards you. Reaching you, he lifted your chin so your gaze would meet his.

"Tell me you don't want this" he whispered. "Tell me to stop" he goaded lowering his lips to yours as he bit your bottom lip. "Tell me that you don't want me."

"I can't want you" you uttered kissing him.

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