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After spending what felt like forever trying to convince Tony you could get home fine by yourself, considering you were a grown woman who'd literally been in hostage situations armed with nothing and still managed to flee victorious, you were now in the car with Loki who had changed from his previous clothes into a white button down and black suit trousers. You were still not feeling completely comfortable in his presence since last night but Tony warned he'd kill Loki if he so much as thought about raising his voice at you.

"Can I play music?" You asked breaking the silence.

"No" Loki said before you started fiddling with the dials trying to play something.

"Leave it alone" Loki cautioned glancing down at your meddling.

"Here we are" you boasted as you found a station where the music actually played.

"Turn it o—" Loki found himself silenced by the sound of your voice as you sang along with the words whilst looking out of the window.

"Stars shining bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you""

He felt his breath hitch hearing your voice. Your singing was euphonious. Surely you were lying about your identity, you weren't just y/n of Midgard, you were a siren who lured its prey with the angelic notes you sang. He sat in silence just granting himself the pleasure of being able to hear you sing.

"Birds singing in the sycamore tree. Dream a little dream of me"

The drive wasn't long at all and before you knew it, Loki was pulling up to your apartment. Undoing your seatbelt, you looked at Loki with a confused expression as he undid his seatbelt too.

"I'm making sure you get in safe" he said turning his attention to you.

"You really don't need to do that" you objected.

"No I don't. But I'm going to" he said opening his door and exiting the car before coming to your side. You were already coming out of the car before Loki had a chance to open the door for you.

"Let's go then" you said gesturing to the building in front of you.

When you and Loki reached your door, you hoped you hadn't left your place in a state before you left. You knew how you'd get when trying to get ready to go somewhere. Clothes thrown around your room, messy bathroom, what if you hadn't washed up yesterday before you left? Why was Loki even still here? Surely he wasn't expecting to come in.

"Not going to invite me in?" He questioned as you hesitated to open the door.

"No I wasn't" you replied firmly.

"Wasn't meaning now you are" he replied.

"I don't usually invite people I've just met into my living space."

"Yet this morning you happily invited the one armed killer into your room without a second guess" Loki recalled.

"Well, I trust him." You replied lost for words at his blatant rudeness.

"Trust me" he said pushing your door open as you twisted the key.

You watched Loki who was scrutinising your apartment as you stood glaring at him. He'd look at things and give a disapproving hum making you have to bite your tongue. You knew that Loki would eventually get bored and leave if you just stayed silent. You watched as his eyes moved to your bookshelf in the corner of the main room and his disapproving hums stopped. Taking long strides towards it, he picked up a book.

"Julius Caesar" he marvelled "Cowards die many times before their deaths—" he began.

"The valiant never taste of death but once" you finished walking towards him.

Looking down at the book in Loki's hand, you decided to carry on speaking.

"It's asinine how many people fear death. It's the one thing that is promised to us yet so many are scared of it. How does one fear the inevitable?" you said quietly.

Loki pondered on this question. He knew his own fear. He knew it was inevitable yet he dreaded it. Instead of agreeing, Loki just hummed but this time in agreement.

"That's your thing" Loki said after a while breaking the silence.

"Fear, yeah that's one of my things" you concurred earning no reaction from Loki.

"Loki I'm sorry about yesterday I—"

"No need" he chimed in about to put the book back.

"No, I'd never look into someone's fears without their consent."

"Unless you were interrogating them" Loki said with a small smile.

"Yes, unless I was interrogating them" you said taking the book from him to slot it back correctly "so just make sure you never have me interrogating you" you laughed turning back to face him as his smile grew.

"I'm sorry" Loki said after a pause.

"Sorry?" You said furrowing your eyebrows. Everyone kept on apologising to you today, it was strange.

"Last night, I had a bit too much to drink and then I saw you and you looked ravis— nice and and you were so tenacious and I tried my hardest but I couldn't stop the thoughts—"

"PLEASEEE don't go on" you laughed remembering what you saw when you had a little look at his desires.

"I'm also deeply sorry for shouting" he said hanging his head down.

"No problem. I'm sorry for looking a tiny bit at your desires without permission" you said causing him to look back at you.

"Don't be, I was wrong to doubt you, you were just proving yourself" he smiled. A genuine smile.

"Oh my god" you exclaimed "look at you, I impressed you" you cheered.

"Whatever" he said playfully rolling his eyes before looking into yours for a moment until you were interrupted by the text sound from your phone.

Picking it up, you grinned when you read the message.

It's Bucky AKA your knight in shining armour. Hope you got home alright and Nat gave me your number hope that's alright, hope to see you soon :)

Hope, hope, hope 😂 well I hope the mission goes well and yeah we should definitely arrange to meet up.

"I better get going" Loki announced taking you out of your thoughts.

"Erm yeah and I better get showering" you laughed awkwardly walking Loki to the door.

"Thanks for dropping me"

"The pleasure was all mine" he replied before turning around to leave.

Shutting the door, your thoughts were immediately back on Bucky. You had just met him but you could feel yourself forming a crush on him. He was handsome, well mannered and had a safeness about him. You promised yourself you wouldn't allow yourself to fall head over heels for someone again but a little bit of fun wouldn't hurt. Surely.

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