Never again

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Loki stood behind you as you watched Bucky walk away. You wanted to chase after him but you couldn't, you just couldn't. You were tired. Today had already been a long day and the adrenaline crash was brutal. You know Bucky didn't mean to hurt you but he did. You couldn't even control your abilities in that moment. Turning back to Loki who had calmed down, you gave him a small smile. He was searching your face to gauge your thoughts but the smile seemed to have worked just how you wanted it to. He gave a smile back.

"Can you take me home please" you asked.

"Back to the compound?" He asked furrowing his brows.

"No, back home please" you corrected.

Loki gave a small nod in understanding before gesturing to the corridor in front of you.


"We're driving" he replied.

"Why can't we just teleport?"

"Because we're driving"

"Whatever" you said smiling to the ground.

As you exited the building, Loki stopped to speak to a few of the guards probably asking them to tell Nick or Steve that the interrogation had been suspended and that they'd have to find someone else to get answers.

Loki lead you to his car and opened your door, closing it once you got in. He entered his side and you both put your seatbelts on before you began your descent home.

"Not going to sing?" Loki teased as you looked out the window.

"So you'd let me sing?" You laughed "because last time you were adamant that the journey remain silent."

Turning to face Loki, you saw the smile that tugged at his lips.

"You're going to make me ask again?" He said smiling wider as his gaze remained fixed on the road.

"So you liked it? Loki Loki Loki, always full of surprises" you grinned turning the dials to play some music.

You were so glad you had Loki in your company right now. He managed to make you almost forget about the earlier situation.

"Wait stop, I like this one" he cheered when he heard a familiar song playing.

Back in black by AC/DC started playing and you laughed hysterically as Loki drummed the steering wheel even singing along to some of the words. He had clearly been living with Tony for too long if this was one of the only midgardian songs he knew.

"'Cause I'm back
Yes, I'm back"

You both sang together through laughter.

Loki rushed out of the car opening your door to let you out. You both walked to your apartment in a comfortable silence. Standing at the door, you gave Loki a hug.

"Thanks" you smiled looking up into his eyes as he looked down into yours.

As you both got lost in the moment, you didn't even realise when Loki's face got closer to yours. Lower. Closer—

"Loki! What are you doing? We can't ever do that again" you whisper shouted pulling away from Loki who's lips were inches from yours.

"Oh y/n I'm terribly sorry" he apologised straightening himself back out "Pl-please forgive me sorry wow I can't believe I just did that" he carried on mostly talking to himself as he looked everywhere but at you.

"Loki thank you for taking me home. I'd like it if you left now please"

"Of course of course um yeah um bye y/n" he said awkwardly running a hand through his hair before turning away.

You felt immensely alone with Loki's absence. More alone then you felt whenever Bucky wasn't around. Remembering Bucky, you decided to text him. Hopefully he wasn't being too hard on himself. You understood the fact that it had been a long and stressful day and Bucky had suffered a lot more than you before finding out his enemy had kissed his girlfriend despite the circumstance.
Hey Bucky, look I'm sorry. The situation wasn't what it looked like AT ALL. Let me explain. We'll meet tomorrow?
Sighing, you put your phone back down. Maybe you should have gone after him you thought.

Meanwhile, Loki had arrived back at the compound after spending a few of hours driving around the city, stopping at a couple of nice views. Everyone seemed to be asleep as it was really late. Opting to walk to his room instead of teleport, he noticed giggling coming from Bucky's room. Knowing he shouldn't pry, he decided to go a little closer to the door. It was a female. Perhaps y/n and Barnes have made up and she came back here he thought feeling his heart drop until he really listened and heard that that wasn't y/n's giggling at all.

Flaring his nostrils, Loki threw the door open with a flick of his wrist. He gritted his teeth at the sight.
The woman yelped trying to cover herself as Loki stood in the doorway glaring at the pair. Picking up a discarded top, he held it in his fingertips.

"I suggest you leave, girl" he spat, eyes locked on only Bucky.

Wrapping a sheet over herself, the woman rushed to the door grabbing her shirt from Loki who let out a sharp angered breath when she got near him causing her to gasp in fear.

"Ever heard of knocking?" Bucky questioned sarcastically covering his lower half with a pillow.

Loki just watched him with a clenched jaw as he ground his teeth even harder.

"Get ow- out of here" Bucky slurred waving his hand towards the door.

Loki thought he'd feel ecstatic the day Bucky inevitably ruined his relationship with y/n. He thought it'd mean he'd finally have a chance with her. This was supposed to be a joyous occasion, well for him, but Loki couldn't have been more wrong. He felt distraught. His poor poor y/n would have to deal with another heartbreak.
Closing his eyes, Loki began to speak.

"How could you do that? To y/n? How could you do that? He sneered.

"You're probably happy, she's all yours now" Bucky replied laying back and looking at the ceiling with a drunken smile.

"I used to think you had valour Barnes, but no. You are pathetic" Loki spat angrily at Bucky who's happy expression changed to one of realisation for a second before trying to carry on unaffected.

"Well, go on, go and tell her" Bucky said turning towards Loki.

"No. You'll tell her. You'll tell her and she'll be angry. She'll be so angry that she'll grant me the pleasure of killing you and that way, she won't be angry at me. You see, if I kill you now, I don't think she'll like it."

This statement seemed to shake Bucky from his intoxicated state as he began pleading for Loki to "not tell her" and to "forget he's seen this" and whatever other phatic excuses he could concoct in his besotted mind. Ignoring him, Loki walked back out.

Looking up, he prayed that y/n would be angry. Hopefully anger would be strong enough to overcome the feeling of abandonment.

Fear & Desire ❤️‍🔥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora