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Breaking you and Loki's conversation, Steve walked into the kitchen.

"And who are you? Steve or Captain America?" You asked putting a hand on your hip.

"Y/N, what you did was reckless" he emphasised causing you to sigh "but thank you, what you did definitely took courage. Tony is just upset, he's been winding himself up thinking about what could have happened to you. He doesn't know how to properly express his emotions y/n, you know that" Steve explained leaning against one of the counters.

"I just want him back Steve" you responded lowering your head as Loki stiffened next to you. "I want Bucky back safe. The longer he's out there, the more he's killing, the more torcherous guilt he'll have to work through when he's broken free from these mental restraints" you continued.

"I know y/n, I know. We won't give up on him. We can't. We'll head to SHIELD HQ tomorrow morning. Fury said he's happy to deploy a team focused on finding and detaining Bucky all on your command." Steve informed you.

"Thank you Steve" you said giving him a tight lipped smile as he began to depart.

"Oh and y/n" he said turning back around.

"Relax" he smiled causing you to roll your eyes with a small laugh.

Steve looked at Loki and gave a curt nod which Loki returned before leaving.

Funnily enough, you spent pretty much the rest of the day in your room sleeping or watching a film. You were extremely tired but that was expected considering the night before. Loki would occasionally come inside and you'd exchange poems and haikus like you used to do back when everything was simpler. Back when downplaying your feelings didn't feel like moving a mountain. Back when you were with Bucky, happy, not speaking to Loki and realising that the relationship you and Bucky had was mostly based on the fact that you were just so comfortable with one another. The lines blurred and your friendship with Bucky turned into something else. You both liked the fact that you could confide in one another and that he was attractive and you were both lonely. Given different circumstances, you and Bucky would have probably been really good friends but the touch deprivation, the lack of a confidante and the horniness was what made you both grow exponentially close. Loki was different. You had things in common. Similar interests. A natural knack for the arts and literature. With Loki, physical attraction came last. You loved each others minds. You both fell in love with one another a long time before either of you realised.

The next morning you woke up, you squinted your eyes reading time time on your phone before jumping up. You were late, extremely late. Somehow you had managed to sleep for ages and now Steve along with Fury and the team who were waiting for your command, were probably all now waiting for your arrival.

You leapt into the shower before even adjusting the temperature, yelping as the cold water hit you. You didn't have time to adjust, you were late.

Still in a towel, you searched everywhere looking for matching lingerie incase you know, an asgardian god Prince decided to strip you bare and take you against a wall—no nope not that, no time to think about that, you were late.

After you got dressed, you ransacked your draws looking for a pair of matching socks, all of which you had in your apartment but not here in the compound. One stripy and one plain, it didn't matter, you were late.

Putting your shoes on, you were thankful that these were kept together. Couldn't leave the compound with odd shoes you laughed to yourself checking the time and seeing you had actually gotten ready really quickly. A knock at the door caused you to look up.

"Come innnn" you answered.

"Hey, y/n, I just wanted to say I'm—"

Bolting upwards, you strode towards Tony, punching him square in the face.

"Oh my god, are you ok" you asked leading him towards your chair as he held his bleeding nose.

"That was deserved" he admitted looking up and wincing.
Trying to quickly find something to stop the bleeding, you found a box of tampons. Picking them up, you took two out to shove up Tony's nose. Removing his hand from his face, you began stuffing one up his nose before you realised.

You were late.

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