"It does explain why you helped me, but it's still shocking to hear."

"Enough about me. You haven't introduced yourself or told me what a werewolf like you is doing in vampire territory."

"My name is Elizabeth. I came here to find my Mom."

"You're looking for your mother in vampire territory?"


"Why would you think your mother is here?"

"A human said they saw her walking in this direction a few months ago."

"A few months ago?"

"Yes," I say, wondering if he knows or heard something relating to Mom.

"Do you have a picture of her?"

"I do, but it's in my phone. I must've lost it when I first shifted."

"I work in the palace, and a few months ago, a werewolf was brought in. I'm not one hundred percent sure she's your Mom. A picture of her would've helped me know if it was her or not."

"You really think she might be the one?" I ask, hopeful.

"The only way I could tell if it's her or not would've been through a picture."

"I'll go and look for my phone right now," I say, walking toward the door, but Mason stops me.

"I can understand that finding her is important, but right now isn't the best time to go out and look for your phone. You can go in the morning. It'll be safer for you. A lot of vampires won't be out then."

"Alright," I say, walking back to the living room.

If the werewolf he's talking about is actually Mom, that would be wonderful. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to find out.


The following morning, I woke up early and left the cottage to find my phone in the woods. Like you would've guessed, I have no luck and must return to the cottage at the end of the day. I step inside the cottage to find Mason getting ready to leave. He's about to go to work in the kitchen at the vampire king's castle. He sleeps during the day and works at night.

"Hello Elizabeth, were you able to find your phone?"

"No, I wasn't. Is there a way I can go in and check if she's the one imprisoned in the dungeons?"

"I could get you a worker's ID card so you can enter, but every vampire would smell the werewolf off you once you're inside the castle."

"Don't worry about that. I have it covered."

"How?" he asks. I think about telling him my gift of being able to mask my scent but decide not to. He might be helping me, but I'm not fully sure he's someone I can trust with my secret.

"I just met you, so I can't tell you how."

"Can you mask your scent?" he asks, walking closer to me. He looks eager to know.

"How do you know there's something like scent masking?" I ask.

"I know because—" he begins talking but stops. He continues after he realizes something, "What is your mother's name?"

"Melanie Jones," I say, wondering if he knows Mom. I hope he does because if he knows her, he'll know if she's imprisoned at the castle.

"I can't believe it's you."


"You're the hybrid the king is looking for," he says, surprised.


"You're the hybrid the king is looking for."

"I don't understand what you're saying. I'm not a hybrid. I'm a werewolf. I'm not part vampire."

"It's expected you wouldn't know. My daughter also didn't know."

"Your daughter?" I ask, surprised he has a daughter. He lives alone, and he said his mate is dead. She must've given birth before she died.

"Yes, I have a daughter. She's a hybrid like you." His daughter can be a hybrid since his mate was a werewolf, but I don't believe I am.

"Can you stop calling me a hybrid? I'm not part vampire."

"But you are."

"I'm not. I'm starting to think you're crazy." I can't believe what he's saying to me. I can't be part vampire. That is ridiculous.

"I'm not crazy. I'm one hundred percent sure you're a hybrid. Only hybrids are gifted with the ability to mask their werewolf scent. That way, you can be a vampire."

"You're telling me the reason I can mask my scent is because I'm a vampire?" I ask.


"I don't believe you. I don't want to believe you!"

"It's understandable for you not to believe me, but you're a vampire. I can even prove it to you. Take my blood."

"No, thank you," I say in disgust. 

"You don't have the craving, so you don't want to take it. We can do the easiest test to prove that you're part vampire."

"Which is?" I don't want to believe him, but if he's right, it'd explain why I'm the only werewolf I know who can mask their scent.

"The sunlight test."

"I can walk in the sunlight without burning."

"I know you can because you're part werewolf. You'll need to walk in the sun while masking your scent. That way, your skin will feel like it's burning and you'll see I'm not lying."

"Alright, we'll go out during the day and see if you're telling the truth or not."

"Yes, we will."

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