Chapter 12:~Final battle~

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By the time they arrived back to The Light Kingdom, it was under attack.
A great battle began and Elora fought against Sauron's orcs. When the last orc was slain, Elora turned to Emersion and glanced at the lake in the edge of the town.
"Where is he?," Elora asked. And Emersion smiled at her. "Let's find that wizard!," Gimli said. Emersion turned around just when Hadrian grabbed him and stuck his knife into Emersion's heart. Emersion looked up at his father shocked. "I'm sorry, son...," Hadrian said, "I had to," And he gently laid down Emersion on the ground and Elora looked at them shocked, tears starting running down her cheeks. Hadrian pulled out the knife out of his son's heart.
Elora hurried over to Emersion and knelt down at him. "I'm so sorry, Elora," Emersion whispered weakly. Elora shook her head, "It's okey. It's going to be okay," And Emersion grabbed her hand, "I love you... My daughter," And his eyes closed before he died. Elora shook her head, "No... Emersion, stay with me... Don't leave me...," And she broke out in tears and Charline felt tears well up in her eyes.

"Emersion!... Please, don't leave me!," Elora cried in pain. Hadrian sighed, "Elora, I'm sorry... I had no choice. The two of you together are too dangerous," Elora felt her anger rise and stood up and run against him. Hadrian threw her aside and tied her hands in chains with his magic. "Finally! After waiting so many years! Now you're going to watch Middle Earth's darkening," And he went over to the lake and threw a dark blue crystal into the water. He uttered something in the darkness language.
Elora glanced at Emersion. "Your crystal," She whispered quietly. Suddenly, a god of The Valar arised from the water and everyone gasped.
"It's been 2000 years since I was last summoned to this world. What makes you summon me now, immortal wizard?," The god asked. "Mighty Valar! For too long! The Light Elves has failed their mission!," Hadrian began. "I see you are impatient," The god said, "Tell me, wizard, what is it that you ask?," "Extinguishing of The Light Elves Dynasty! Every last with their blood of The moon and sun and the gods!," "The destruction of our own creation of Elves, our own children is not The Valar's wish," Hadrian looked at the god confused. "What?," "But," The god continued, "Those who spills their blood shall compel from me in action," Hadrian smiled wickedly and pulled out a knife to cut himself in his hand when Elora hurriedly used Emersion's crystal to break the chains around her wrists. She immediately stood up and grabbed Hadrian and pushed him to the ground.
Hadrian knocked her to the ground and pulled out a knife, "I've waited for too long. I've sacrificed too much to let anyone stand in my way!," He paused. "Even my own adoptive granddaughter," He finished when suddenly, Elora pulled out a knife and slit his throat and Sauron started to fade. Thranduil swallowed. Hadrian bended aside and Elora stood up and stuck the knife into his throat four more times. One for Emersion, one for herself, one for her Kingdom and one for her and Legolas mother that she had now figured out that he had killed her. She pulled out the knife and pushed him to the ground and Sauron disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke. Hadrian looked up at her before he turned into dust and disappeared.

Elora hurried over to the edge of the lake and the god before her. Her hair and eyes now back to normal. She cut with her knife in her hand and spilt her blood in the water.
"Light elf blooded one. Blood of the moon and sun," The god of The Valar stated. Elora swallowed in tears, "I don't want my Dynasty to die. Please, you can't let it die! I want another wish," "You may compel me to one action, Elora Thranduliell," The god declared, "What is it that you ask?," Elora swallowed, "You know my name?," "Concern not yourself with what I know, but rather what can be," The god declared, "If you have a desire, ask me now. And be wise, I will grant but one," Elora swallowed and glanced at Emersion before turning back back to The Valar, "Bring Emersion back... Please," And the god disappeared and the night returned.
Elora hurried over to Emersion and knelt down at his side. Emersion woke up and looked at her confused, "What happened?," Elladan smiled. Elora smiled and hugged the wizard tightly, "You're alive," Emersion broke the hug to look at her. She was herself again. "What did you do?," He asked confused, "My... is dead?," Elora nodded, "I killed him. He and Sauron are gone. I used The Valar's wish to bring you back," Emersion smiled, "Elora, forgive me," Elora smiled, "There's nothing to forgive,"
Emersion stood up and helped her up. Elora hurried over to Elladan who hugged her tightly. "Don't scare me like that again," Elladan told her. Elora smiled, "I promise," And she hugged him tightly. But Elora still wondered what that voices in her head was. Was the witch from all those years ago coming for her? Or was it something else?

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