Him and Her

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The French quarter witches were willing to do anything to make sure the baby Mikaelson doesn't live long to fulfil the prophecy, Even if it means sacrificing the new born, And that is exactly why Genevieve and Monique were hell bent on doing.

After the backstabbing moment at the compound, Genevieve brought Hayley to the church. Due to unfortunate turn of events, Hayley's labor began sooner than expected. Hayley screamed, Screamed on the top of her lungs to let her go, To leave and her and her daughter alone. But her screams were left un answer, She could feel it, feel every bit of the pain, She has turned into a wolf and back multiple times, Breaking every single bone in her body but this was more than any word could describe.

"Let me go, You bitch!" Hayley spat at Genevieve who was trying to get her through it all, She didn't let Hayley's words get in her way, She had bigger things to do.

Finally after his long search, Klaus made his way to the St Anne's church to see the scene unfold, To see her daughter being born, He wanted nothing more than to witness it, He has been fighting tooth and nail for this exact moment, But this isn't how he wanted it to happen, His daughter in the hands of Genevieve, In the hands of the witches, In the hands of the women who wants to see her dead the moment she is born.

He lunged forward, His rage was over the moon and all he wanted to do was rip their heads off, And that was exactly the fate of the witch guarding the entrance, This drew the attention of Monique and Abigail, The young witches used their powers to pin the hybrid to the wall, He tried with all his power to break out of the spell, He could hear pain in Hayley's screams which never faded.

"You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick" The redhead looked at Klaus and Hayley before getting right on to the business, Delivering the baby.

"I will bring hell to your family!" His screams mixed with Hayley's, Genevieve instructed Hayley to push and keep pushing, Klaus wasn't angry anymore, He was scare, He was terrified of what would happen to his daughter, the one thing he began to care about, the moment she begins her life. "You will die screaming!" He yelled at the witches

"I can see the baby!" Monique said, His heart literally skipped a beat. She was here, Finally here. Hayley was exhausted after the final push,He felt powerless, Being pinned to the wall by a stupid spell and all Klaus could do was wait to see what was going to happen next.

"There" Genevieve announced, The birth of the child, Klaus and Hayley's eyes were focused on the tiny figure she held in her hand. "You have a beautiful baby daughter." Genevieve said, But those words didn't enter his ears nor his brain, He was too busy admiring the miracle she was holding, His miracle. "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky-"

"Please. Please, can I hold her?" Genevieve was interrupted, Hayley begged for her to let her hold her daughter.

The witch couldn't deny the mother's wish, She handed the baby to her mother, She turned to look at Klaus, Who was just as amazed as she was at the sight of their daughter, She kisses her daughter's forehead with all the love she had, Hayley could hold on to her forever if she could but Monique had other plans. She came behind Hayley and before anyone could know what was happening, She pulled her back and slit her throat, Killing her.

"NOOO!" Klaus screamed, He couldn't think of anything else to say, His mind couldn't form any death threats, It was busy trying to take in the fact that Hayley was dead. He stared at her, Laying still as Genevieve took away the baby. And that was the last thing he saw before blacking out.


"It's time" Genevieve said, Standing infront of the altar and a athame. The other two witches brought the baby mikaelson forward to the altar in a basket. Salt circles were drawn, Candles were lit, Hands were linked, looks were shared between the witches, Genevieve lifted the new born baby up in the air and closed her eyes, So did Monique and Abigal.

" Nouvelle vie, nouvelle âme, mélange avec nous." The witches began to chant, There was no stopping them until a voice disturbed the ritual

"Can you guys tone this down a bit? The neighbours have started to complain" The three witches opened their eyes to meet a young blonde girl standing infront of them

"And you are?" Monique asked the stranger.

"Who I am is not important, Who you are holding, is" She stated, Monique and Abigal moved forward and chanted an incantion, The woman stood there unaffected

"If you children are done playing, Us adults would like to have a chat, Bye now" She waved her hand muttering a spell, Snapping their necks. She walked further towards the altar, Genevieve placed the baby down and became fully aware of the new intruder.

"Whoever you are, You are getting in between something you cannot understand, Stay away from this" The redhead warned her, The blonde did not seem to be bothered by her words, She looked down at the baby and then back to the witch

"Whatever the future holds, She is worth all the trouble I might get myself into" Genevieve threw the athame at her, The stranger moved swiftly, Dogging the blade. "Come on Gen, Is that all you got?" She smirked, The redhead was shocked.

"Who are you?" She asked again, And this time she wasn't taking no for an answer

"Natalie Parker, Ring any bells?"

"Natalie?" Genevieve barely whispered, The blonde smiled widely as she noticed the change in her tone and her expression "Ah, It does ring a bell,I thought all the destruction and disasters I have caused along the centuries were all wasted, Clearly not"

"you are back in New Orleans? Why...?" The redhead questioned

"Now that would give away the surprise wouldn't it?" Natalie grabbed Genevieve by her throat and lifted her few feet about the ground "Leave the child alone and I will consider thinking about letting you live"

"You don't understand, This- sacrifice, This must happen. The ancestors has given me no other choice-" Genevieve struggled under the pressure, She tried her best to get out of Natalie's hold but failed.

"What do you mean 'It must happen'?" She questioned, Genevieve stayed quiet, Natalie applied more pressure over her throat, Just enough to make it hard for her to breath.

"It was the Ancestors' decree. It was her decree." Genevieve fussed up. Natalie released her hold, The redhead stumbled on the ground. "Who precisely?"

"You know her all too well, The original witch herself" Genevieve could sense the change in Natalie, Fear and anger all together.

"Of course Esther is behind this" The blonde sighed "Well, Too bad, She isn't getting the child"

"Natalie, Listen to me, She will not rest until she gets the baby" Genevieve warned her "Or what? She is gonna raise from the dead and come after this baby? I would still say screw her"

"Even if it's not Esther, Niklaus will never let you take the child, He would tear you, Limb to limb before you even touch his daughter" Genevieve started to cry in pain, Her eyes were bleeding out, This was her punishment, For failure.

"Oh my sweet Genevieve, You let me worry about the big bad wolf, Its time for you to leave, Hell is waiting for you sweetheart" She knelt down and took the blade, Stabbing her in the heart "Say hello to the devil for me" She heard some footsteps approaching in her direction. And had one guess to know who it would be. The Mikaelsons. She walked back to the altar, Placing the baby mikaelson in the same basket the young witches brought her here.

"It's time for us to go home pup, Invisique" She looked down and whispered to the baby and took the basket, spelled both herself and the baby just as they walked towards the altar. Before he walked in. She wanted to stake him, Then and there, But she had bigger things to do. She had a baby to take care of, Staking him can wait.

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