Real and Imaginary

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Weeks passed and some sort of normalcy returned, But at the back of everyone's head, there was a voice, a reminder. 'Esther'. The rumors were flying around the city that there was another harvest witch resurrected, far more powerful for her age, with rose suspicions, but none of the existing witches complained.

"Hayley, Sweetheart, I am not really in the mood for a social call" Natalie said as soon as she answered her phone.

"Well, Then it's a good thing this isn't a social call then"

"What is it then?"

"Elijah is missing, I know he is fully capable of handling himself but he doesn't just disappear Natalie..." Natalie could hear the worry in her voice.

"What does she mean Elijah is 'missing'?" Natalie turned around to see owner of the voice, She rolled her eyes before putting her phone on speaker

"Elijah was our decoy last night while we were out helping the kids, He isn't here anymore and He isn't picking up his phone. I don't know what to do"

"The Witches... They must be behind this" Natalie knew Esther wouldn't rest till she gets what she wants. "Hayley, Stay somewhere safe, Compound isn't safe at this moment, Be careful with Hope, We will take care of Elijah" Natalie warned her before setting a map on the dining table, She poured a small amount of salt and closed her eyes, Trying to do the locator spell, She couldn't sense anything.

"Nothing?" The Hybrid asked impatiently, Natalie shook her head "Then I guess I will have to do this my way" And with that Klaus walked away.

The screams of a man erupted in the mansion, Natalie groaned as she got sick of it. She worked her way to his room and the scream only got louder.

"Your way is much bloodier than mine" Natalie said as she studied him closely, His hands were covered in blood, As was his shirt, Few splashed of blood running down his face

"Is that judgement I am hearing, love?" He turned to face her, washing his bloody hands without taking his eyes off of her

"As long as you get the result, I don't care" Something about the way she said made his lip curl upward in a small smile.
"Our suspicion was right, It is the witches' work. The harvest witch, Cassie, She is behind this" He explained everything he learned using 'his way' "Though I cannot fathom why a totally random witch want to do anything with my brother"

"Unless it isn't random at all..."

"Very well then, I guess I should pay my mommy dearest a visit" 

"We" Natalie corrected him  "We should pay her a visit"

"No, Absolutely not. My mother is far too powerful Natalie, you should stay here or help Hayley instead" He tried his best to reason with her

"I am not going to sit around while she walks free. I can handle her'' 

"She knows what you mean to me, She will target you in order to thwart me.
I cannot save my brother if I am too busy saving you" 

'What I mean to you?' Thats what she wanted to ask, But she didn't. She concentrated on her powers, making him sweat, A slight aneurism

"Stop!" Klaus shouted, holding his hand over his head, Natalie smiled smugly  before releasing the spell "I don't need back up Natalie"

"This isn't back up, It's babysitting" Natalie said, Taking her jacket, and turned back to him  "And most of all, I want to kill her for the second time myself" Once again, Klaus couldn't help the smile that creeped on his lips 

"You know Elijah is our priority than killing Esther right?" Nik asked her as he followed her outside. 

"That's why you are gonna distract her while I go to the cemetery and get Elijah" Klaus raised his eyebrows "I know Esther, If this definitely is her, then I can bet my life that she has Elijah in the cemetery"

"But Natalie, You can't do this alone its too-"

"Finish that sentence Klaus, I dare you" She turned to see him eye to eye, She smirked as he didn't finish his sentence "That's what I thought"

"Whatever, Just be careful" 

"Careful?" She threw a side look "I might start to think you actually have a heart" She walked away without another word, Another glance, If she did, She would have seen the guilt and hurt and regret he tried desperately to hide and failed.


"Elijah...?" He heard his name with a familiar voice "Elijah open your eyes please" He really wanted to. 

"Katherina?" He could see her eyes filled with confusion "Wha- What are you doing here?" 

"I am here to help...?" She stood up and yanked the chains he was held by. He didn't have any strength in him to stay steady, she help him. 

"Hey, hey please look at me. Elijah, Please don't close your eyes. Please" she begged him, Tapping his cheek to keep him from closing his eyes

"Katherine... You need to leave... Please leave" 

"Why would I leave?" She looked again at him with the same confusion "Why do you keep calling me Katherine?" Natalie questioned.  She then realized he was under a spell, Hallucinating 

"Blood... I need..." Elijah couldn't finish the sentence, Natalie then noticed how very dry his lips were, His shirt was tore apart and soaked in his blood, his eyes were dull and on the verge of shutting, She held her wrist in front of him, She nodded at him, reassuring him. In any other situation he would have denied it, Especially after what he saw. But he was desperate, He slowly took her wrist and before he could contemplate, His hunger took control. He heard her wince for a second, her eyes closed as felt his teeth tear her skin, Not at her wrist but her neck. The memories Elijah keep hidden for years re surfaced, The red door, the blood, the murders. Everything, But none of them stopped him, Not even Natalie's protests which sounded so distant and within seconds darkness was the only thing he could see and feel.


Elijah woke up with a pounding in his head, worst type of hangover, He looked around, taking his surrounding in. He sighed as he could recognize it, he was in the compound, in his room, in his bed. His senses were all on alert when he heard footsteps.

"Good lord brother, you are here" Relief washed over Elijah when he found Klaus walking towards him. 

"What happened...?" Klaus enquired, Elijah's still tore shirt told half the story, Elijah said the rest. "Why haven't you changed?" Elijah's lips moved but Klaus couldn't register any of the words, he looked around the building, it was unusually quite and something didn't feel right in his bones. "Where is Natalie?" 

Elijah stopped talking and he too looked around "Why would I know? I thought she was with you" Klaus walked upstairs to her room, and when she wasn't there, he searched every corner of the house, She wasn't there 'I can handle her' her words rang through his ears ' I want to kill her for the second time myself' Now he knew where exactly she was

"Oh bloody hell" He sighed loudly.

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